Cavalier quest node ARMOR ERASURE in chap 1.2 doesn't work properly

I read the node and went in with claire as a mystic and cgr as an attacker with the required tag. When I earned furies with cgr, they stayed as cross fight abilities as written in the node. With claire, that's not the case. I gained 6-7 furies in her fights, but there was no cross fight on her.
Not the class ones (unless they so happen to be tagged also)
The mystic one for example will only work for #dimensional being, #illuminati & #thanos army
The cross fight will carry over for these.
Any other mystic class will only apply for your current fight
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit can anybody check on this issue? The new cav nodes are not working as intended
Bottom line, the cross-fights are bugged. Sometimes they work, more often than not, they don't. And before any one jumps on me about tags, I made sure I had the right one when I experienced it.
Mephisto (dimensional being), Maw (Thanos Army), Purgatory (dimensional being), and Dr. Strange (Illuminati) in 1.2.
In 3.1, I used S2099 (Spiderverse), Miles Morales (Spiderverse), Penny Parker (Spiderverse), Red Goblin (Symbiote), Mysterio (Sinister Six).
I used the same champs the whole way through exploration of each individual quest, so it's not like this was some niche interaction between characters.
It just doesn't work properly and it's being ignored.