AQ Time Out Issue

After a fight is timed out my attacker is KO’d and the defender goes back to full health in AQ Map 6: This happened three times today for me on iOS. Is anyone having the same issue ?..
Map8 same issue ... Attacker goes half health
Edit. I was not using the CG timeout. This was a legit fight.
Landed 15 hits throughout the fight and took Gulliotine down to 41% health.
Screen displayed timeout when the timer hit zero, showed the 15 hits landed, but had a score of zero.
My champ was then koed and guillotine 2099 was back to full health.
Thanks in advanced.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos
What’s happening with this??,..a response and some clarity would be appreciated.
caught it on video
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos provide a comment at least please.
The real problem here is thats it's happening in war aswell.
Red hulk vs mr fantastic.
Posted about this last week too.
Multiple threads and posts by other players, yet Kabam are silent on the matter.
Can we have an update on this please @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Miike and confirmation if this is a bug or an intentional change?
This same issue happened with me twice today. My BWCV lost half of her health and thanos health was restored. I'm playing in Android phone.
I use an android phone.