does anyone know if this a bug or a rule? one can't evade, do dexterity or block in chapter 5-2-6

is this a bug or a rule? one can't evade, or do dexterity or do block in chapter 5-2-6,
i have my stand my ground and my block proficiency max out yet the system input doesn't work neither the old or the new beta
input system, the only thing that seem to work is intercept and one can't intercept properly if dexterity is not working and defender get to make the first attacker, anyway i stopped playing that chapter because i spent too many revives and it's like trying to walk on slippery ice
i have my stand my ground and my block proficiency max out yet the system input doesn't work neither the old or the new beta
input system, the only thing that seem to work is intercept and one can't intercept properly if dexterity is not working and defender get to make the first attacker, anyway i stopped playing that chapter because i spent too many revives and it's like trying to walk on slippery ice
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