Kabam, why do you want me to quit?

BoomJBJBoomJBJ Member Posts: 5
Hey All,

Long time player, first time poster.

I have been with the same alliance for 4+ years, well had been. I left my one and only alliance because playing AQ became miserable. AQ was bearable when kabam gave compensation that covered almost exactly what I needed to get through AQ when input failure caused me to die.

Kabam, I did not blow up customer service, I didn’t go crazy on forums or social media. I quietly played and spent believing this game I enjoy would get better. Now that I’m not playing for alliance mates it’s becoming easier to dislike this game. I try to play just ignore it, but 100 hits into a fight my dex doesn’t register. 30 units or restart, that cycle has become almost as miserable as AQ.

Every time I’ve reached out to support I get a form letter about future compensation. The future compensation doesn’t matter anymore. Now the questions I am asking, will I stick around for some kind of compensation? Is the game even fun? Why is it that a multi-million dollar company can’t maintain a stable game? Why try when cheaters win? Why be frustrated when I can just buy the stuff anyway? Why buy the stuff given that it may not even work?

I’m not posting in anger, I’m disappointed that we are dealing with this still. Do what you need to do, you have the money to do it. The whales will spend more when it’s fixed. We all win if you win.

Thanks for reading and good luck kabam, the clock is ticking, you can do it


  • SceptilemaniacSceptilemaniac Member Posts: 1,247 ★★★★
    We'll get the compensation after EOP if at all.

  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 886 ★★★
    Why can you team revive and heal up for 1 loyalty but you can’t for 1 Glory??
  • ScottyKnowsScottyKnows Member Posts: 113
    We run map 7/6/5 and I let my alliance know I’m done with the game after AW season to give them a good heads up. I used to get the daily TB deals, I’d splurge on holiday deals, but I’m done. This week I’ve literally just gone into AQ straight Leroy Jenkins style, if I die, I die, idc lol. I’m kinda glad to be quitting this game to be honest.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Thank you for sharing your opinions on AQ. We know that players want to see some improvements, and we’ve brought that sentiment to our team. It isn't far along in the process, but it is definitely being examined.

    We are, as I'm sure you know, working hard to resolve input issues that many are experiencing. The best route forward is to report your bugs here. This information is integral to making progress on the bug fixes. It may seem redundant or not particularly impactful, but the more information we have the faster we can find a solution.

    Additionally, we have plans for further compensation! It will look different than what we've grown used to but we're still working through the specifics and want to be sure of the details before we communicate that information.
  • BoomJBJBoomJBJ Member Posts: 5
    Kabam Miike-

    Thank you for your response, I appreciate it.

    I understand you’re in a tough spot, the answers kind of have to be what they have to be.

    Consider that Kabam has asked us, the playing (and some paying) to log all the issue. Keep playing through the issues. Have fun when you don’t make mistakes and still die. I know it is the only way to capture as much data, again I understand the situation.

    I mentioned the compensation only to say that has been a carrot on a stick for a very long time. I’ve maintained faith in this all getting fixed, which was the first carrot. Getting the new champions, that’s great, but none of them have immunity to failed parry. Im sure we will see compensation, it’s in kabams best interest to do so. I guess the point there through all those twists and turns… I appreciate the effort, I’m sure that everyone wants this all fixed. Compensation and hope won’t make the game any more fun in the meantime. Without an alliance it’s becoming easier and easier to not log in.

    Im not asking for the data to be shared, I am hopeful that someone is tracking the login time of the biggest spenders over the last 3 months especially. Don’t track us by cash, take a look at the time investment and content engagement. 13k+ Prestige players shouldn’t be logging in to autofight whatever matches the current 7-hour milestone and moving on.

    Again, I don’t know how else to say it but, the only thing I think anyone will accept at this point is a working game. We’ve stuck with you throughout this challenge. We’ve continued to support you, maybe even more than before. We don’t really ask for much at the end of the day, Just fix the game.

    To make sure, I’m not trying to be argumentative. Im passionate about this. I want the same thing you do but I can’t do anything about it. Sorry for the long post.
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