AQ Map 5 sucks now too?!?

So many of us stepped down from the very poorly timed ramped up Map 6 in AQ. I say poorly timed bc for God knows what reason, you guys clearly ramped up map 6 while ending compensation (prematurely would be an understatement)
But… now Map 5 feels ridiculous as Map 5s go as well?
Anything @Kabam Miike ?
You got things like borderline Immortal Toad in Section 1?!?
In section 1… Seriously?
You got guys with serious rosters and ranked up champs getting wrecked by a 5 hit combo from …a symbiod? Really?
This is what I believe Kabam has done…
I legitimately think that they ramped up map 6 to gut us of our revives and potions from Compensations so we would have to spend. Then a mass exodus of players dropping down to map 5, so then they made Map 5 more difficult to continue to drain resources and force spending there as well.
Here’s the problem Kabam… You don’t want ppl to leave the game or community but you guys and your bugs, dropped inputs, raised difficulties in AQ (rn especially while the game is still CLEARLY *Not working “as intended”), bugs like *hitting into a block and getting randomly parry stunned and then getting wrecked! Not from a PARRY… From HITTING INTO A BLOCK… and the AI has never been so passive! Annnnnnd you prematurely ended Compensation to top it off (simultaneously) …?
There’s no balance and you guys have tipped it yourselves.
You can’t have a broken game, raise difficulty and remove the life raft while ppl are drowning and expect your community not to become bitter. You’re creating burn out and bitterness to a degree that (as alliance leaders) we are struggling to counteract.
Ppl are leaving faster than we can replace them in our alliances. YouTubers like BG and Vega have left their alliance… so how, how are We in *lower tier alliances expected to keep our ppl motivated? How are we expected to keep our ppl on board? AQ has always felt like a chore, but now it’s starting to feel like a lower level Cav EQ. That’s silly, there’s a reason why so many of us have stopped playing Cav EQs lately including Rich The Man…
You guys can not be this out of touch, this tone deaf. You’re screwing yourselves rn.
At this point, May God help you if this “Big Compensation” is in any way Underwhelming… after the year plus of buggy gameplay and then ending compensation early… I pray you guys understand the weight of where the resentment and bitterness is atm with the community.
In my alliance we’ve got senior members of our alliance who’ve been playing this game for 7 years and been with us for many of those years just walking away. So often in fact, that for a month at least; we’ve struggled to keep 30 members week to week. It’s been a struggle to keep 28 actually. We can’t replace them as fast as they’re leaving. It’s not our alliance, they’re leaving the game, entirely.
Say something…
But… now Map 5 feels ridiculous as Map 5s go as well?
Anything @Kabam Miike ?
You got things like borderline Immortal Toad in Section 1?!?
In section 1… Seriously?
You got guys with serious rosters and ranked up champs getting wrecked by a 5 hit combo from …a symbiod? Really?
This is what I believe Kabam has done…
I legitimately think that they ramped up map 6 to gut us of our revives and potions from Compensations so we would have to spend. Then a mass exodus of players dropping down to map 5, so then they made Map 5 more difficult to continue to drain resources and force spending there as well.
Here’s the problem Kabam… You don’t want ppl to leave the game or community but you guys and your bugs, dropped inputs, raised difficulties in AQ (rn especially while the game is still CLEARLY *Not working “as intended”), bugs like *hitting into a block and getting randomly parry stunned and then getting wrecked! Not from a PARRY… From HITTING INTO A BLOCK… and the AI has never been so passive! Annnnnnd you prematurely ended Compensation to top it off (simultaneously) …?
There’s no balance and you guys have tipped it yourselves.
You can’t have a broken game, raise difficulty and remove the life raft while ppl are drowning and expect your community not to become bitter. You’re creating burn out and bitterness to a degree that (as alliance leaders) we are struggling to counteract.
Ppl are leaving faster than we can replace them in our alliances. YouTubers like BG and Vega have left their alliance… so how, how are We in *lower tier alliances expected to keep our ppl motivated? How are we expected to keep our ppl on board? AQ has always felt like a chore, but now it’s starting to feel like a lower level Cav EQ. That’s silly, there’s a reason why so many of us have stopped playing Cav EQs lately including Rich The Man…
You guys can not be this out of touch, this tone deaf. You’re screwing yourselves rn.
At this point, May God help you if this “Big Compensation” is in any way Underwhelming… after the year plus of buggy gameplay and then ending compensation early… I pray you guys understand the weight of where the resentment and bitterness is atm with the community.
In my alliance we’ve got senior members of our alliance who’ve been playing this game for 7 years and been with us for many of those years just walking away. So often in fact, that for a month at least; we’ve struggled to keep 30 members week to week. It’s been a struggle to keep 28 actually. We can’t replace them as fast as they’re leaving. It’s not our alliance, they’re leaving the game, entirely.
Say something…
Recruiting isn't easy? Yes
Map 5 is that tough? No
(Personal opinion)
AQ..problem- you will honestly have about as much fun staring at the wall and drooling then doing this game mode 5 days consecutively !!
AW..problem- way to cutthroat of a game mode for most people to really enjoy,..and it takes ages to get to the higher tiers. Makes people feel that they have to have their “A” game with them for every war,..and even some really good players aren’t into that game style,..or had enough of it,..and then leave the alliance they’re in.
AQ used to be a chore. With a couple annoying defenders from time to time, that was all.
Now it's breaking up alliances and making people quit the game weekly.
The issues should've been addressed and fixed as soon as hundreds of constructive feedback hit the forums. Kbm may think they have a clever master plan that we, the players, don't understand. In reality, we are the ones down in the trenches, experiencing the mcoc life. We are telling them what works for us and what doesn't and they don't listen.
Map 6 and 5 players for 5 weeks straight be like:
We're talking to a wall. It's their loss. A lot of ppl still spend in this game. And there's a lot who no longer do and never will again.
Thank you for taking the time to share your frustrations!
The changes made to Map 5 were implemented at the same time as the changes to Map 6, so let me reassure you that we did not make changes to punish players for moving to Map 5.
We're eager to take more information to our dev team, so let's focus on finding a solution here. In your opinion, what changes would help make Map 5 more approachable or enjoyable?
Move the links to minis/boss to the beginning of paths not the end so there is less waiting.
With map 6 do the above plus drop the class penalty nodes.
I do believe your intention was to make map 5 faster to complete, which you did. But with that came a difficulty increase that wasn’t needed nor wanted. I’m pretty sure that part wasn’t intended re reading the original post. The new nodes are an adjustment, sure, but we are going in what 6 weeks now and the adjustment period is over. I’ve been doing map 5 for over a year now and it is more difficult that much I do know.
My personal recommendation: make map 5 what it is, a middle tier map that is for progressing players or for veterans that don’t want AQ to feel like a second job. Maps 1-6 should not require coordination among the group to complete. Log in, do 3-5 fights and move on. The outside lanes need to be shorter as well. It shouldn’t require double ups to get them down in a timely manner.
Speaking of map 5 specifically: Refresh a couple of the champs here and there if you will, but what we have now, in every variation is Alliance War Defense. I'm not even joking. I wish I was. All the stupidest defenders are there. It's overkill for a map 5. If only their attack and hp was substantially reduced, fine. But it isn't. There are local nodes, with a stupid tricky / hard / annoying defender on top of it now, and it's one after the other.
The whole difficulty is visibly way uptuned from what it used to be. Even the minions (doombots, etc) are hitting much harder.
There are the usual input problems and sp hogging and weird AI we got to deal with. Rewards saw zero increase so the fact you gave us basically a tricky side quest in guise of a map 5 doesnt fly.
I honestly feel like both maps were tunes to 6* R4 champs. Yes, my R4 is ok doing them. But there are only 4 ppl with one of those in my alli. Still, it doesn't mean I am enjoying map 5 more than before. Having to concentrate more than I should in a map 5 to kill Chavez, Sauron, Mangog, Modok, Longshot, Negative and so on.... It's way out of balance for the payout of map 5. Map 5 allis are not top 100 allis. What were they thinking when they filled these maps??
And I used to do both maps with 5* on my mini. I had to retire from map 6 altogether but I'm also struggling on map 5 with it and that is unbelievable for me. Now there's no more compensation I have to retire my mini completely! Im starting to wonder what map 4 looks like. After 6 years playing this game non stop, that really feels like a punch in the gut.
As a map 6 and 5 alli, AQ was the cement that kept us together. The base of it was shook and it's all falling apart now.
In map 6: remove the class restrictions entirely. Drop the difficulty back to what the previous map was.
Thank you
For map 5: Balance it out again with mid tier defenders. Adjust the difficulty relative to a mid tier map. Lower the linked nodes like the previous map was. Remove the newly added over the top local nodes.
>>> and bring back the GLOBAL <<<
The defender that was just before the boss that we used to kill and remove the SP3 for the rest of the map and reduce a bit of attack for team mates.
That was never something that should've been touched. Please also bring that back.
(1) Eliminate outer paths (1 and 6) on first two sections, and outer paths (1 and 8) on the main boss section. These are just energy wasters.
(2) Reduce the AI being able to move so much faster then the attacker, too fast with intercepts, and often too fast recovery from a hit. Likewise, fix our attacker’s ability to parry/dex, block, intercept, i.e. fix the input problems.
(3) Reduce nodes that apply stun or complete debuff immunity.
(4) Increase glory rewards and raise stash limit from 15k to at least 20k.
(5) Add a 40% AQ team revive for a nominal amount. The War 40% team revive cost 1. Until the input issues are 100% fixed, these should cost 1 glory. After the input issues are actually fixed, then maybe raise the cost to 50 glory?
(6) Slightly lower health and attack values, maybe 10% drop.
(7) When Human Torch is the mini-boss, remove bleed immunity or make it something like a 50% bleed immunity. Many skill class attackers cause bleed, and the bleed immunity makes that class largely ineffective here. Alternatively, remove the Buffet node.
(8) Without reducing cycle rewards too much, reduce the cycle from 5 days to 4.
I mainly run Map 5, and occasionally Map 4 just for an easy run. Many of the above suggestions could apply to other maps.