Very frustrated with you Kabam!

This game is trash and I will tell you why, first of all the controls are horrible and unresponsive, I tap on the screen with what moves I am wanting to do, for instance: parry, my character moves forwards in a dash and gets 5 hit K.O.ed instead of parrying the oppontent because, Kabam can't be bothered to fix this game. The best in mobile gaming I don't think so Kabam. I have logged in and played this game everyday since 2017 and I know the game was at it's best then. It is a HUGE difference in performance from then and now. The game functioned properly and when you tapped the game responded. The enemy AI is so difficult to fight against now. Mainly not throwing specials during; power gain nodes, degen nodes, areas where there is a timer, and never ever throws a special when using Spider-Ham or Yellow-jacket or other instances when using power sting because, it knows if you do it'll take damage. There is also a difference in how the controls function now too, it takes a while to actually get logged into the game when you first launch the game it takes about 2-3 minutes for it to come online and as it logs in you can clearly see the connection issue icon at the bottom of the screen when it is trying to boot up, and then the controls, I constantly am having dropped inputs due to Kabam's neglect in fixing the controls, it has been a year now and there are constant input issues. Kabam says they fixed it but look on the forum you will see other players are still having issues and we are all fed up. When I try to dex away it will not register and I get clipped, when I parry the opponent is not stunned (No more using Cap IW, Mole-Man, Diablo, Magneto, Hyperion, or Longshot) sometimes when I hold block my character dashes forwards. These are real issues Kabam, this is a message for you that you need to fix the game or you will start to loose players and MONEY if these are not addressed and fixed. A dysfunctional game is not a successful game and therefore will not create revenue for you. I say this both out of love for the game and out of frustration for how you have chosen to handle the input issue.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
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Let’s get into this…
Parry doesn’t work 40-50% of the time
Evades don’t work at least 50% of the time
Sometimes swiping back to evade results in your champion dashing forward or just standing there looking stupid while the AI wrecks him into oblivion. Not to mention, the AI’s timing is different now. Once I see my opponent make a move, whether it be a SP Attack or a basic attack or even a Heavy attack, I swipe back to evade, but now I’m getting hit with the first part of the attack or the last part (like I didn’t evade enough). Seriously, if I see the AI start to make a move, whether it be a heavy attack or a SP Attack, and I swipe back to evade, they should not be able to hit me, but they are.
My champion dashes backwards mid-combo. Really? My champion is going to all of a sudden just dash backwards while I’m tapping the right side of the screen getting my light attacks off?
Sometimes blocking doesn’t want to work at all
Sometimes the SP Attack button doesn’t work. I’ve had several fights just in the past few days in AQ where I go to tap the SP Attack button multiple times and nothing, the AI winds up retaliating and wrecking my champ into oblivion.
The cost of revives and health pots in AQ & War is RIDICULOUSLY HIGH! With these gameplay issues happening every day, we are forced to use up whatever resources we have, if any at all, and then spend units which costs an arm and a leg, sometimes a soul. 80 units for one lvl 4 health pot which BARELY fills a 6* champions health bar is excessive. Then if you want to use Team Health pots, the cost is pretty much doubled.
Players shouldn’t have to be punished for gameplay issues that aren’t their fault and that’s exactly what’s been going on in this game for over a year now.
The compensation we were getting for awhile when you guys were acknowledging the gameplay issues were far from what we were actually using, but at least it was SOMETHING. Now you guys are done with the compensation but the gameplay issues remain. Tell me Kabam cares more about money than their player community without telling me……
I’ve already seen quite a lot of high profile accounts/people quit the game. How much worse do you want it to get Kabam? I mean, I’m no whale, but I spend quite a lot every month. I’m ready to walk away myself…..
How is it so many of you are "experiencing" problems but can't ever show it since it apparently happens all the time. You want the game fixed but you can't help them at all with it.
Well for one, we can’t post videos in here
For two, even IF we post the video (which I’ve done for Kabam on YT in the past), how would you know if it worked or not? I suppose if I had the ability to video myself playing the game on another device, there’s still the matter of trying to see if my fingers correlate with the timing of the AI, which would be VERY hard to do.
So c’mon, if there’s still quite a lot of people complaining about the same things, then there’s still a problem.
The only way to post videos is to put them on YouTube. I turned on "show touches" ages ago when people thought Domino could break blocks. That helps show what inputs are happening and when.