Which new champions should I focus on?

HisakesnHisakesn Member Posts: 6
edited July 2022 in Strategy and Tips
So I splurged a little today on 4th of July and got myself a few 5 stars, who should I r4-5 first?

Which new champions should I focus on? 42 votes

Professor X
Malreck04Cap366JhonST33Wine_LoverLuke9523SunRiceAkkarin23FuskieWhoDaPooTheExit27LpooJragonMaster170Gr8TonyStarkScrubhanKablSearmenisRiptideChompsramsey8582Nalak8 22 votes
Stealth Suit Spider-man
Hisakesn999ozz 2 votes
Black Widow DO
Thunderstruck77kubricknolan 2 votes
Void (Awakened)
DrewDoggyDoggAMS94IronGladiator22Ace2319willrun4adonutZAHIDMALIK1588Ali0700TrongNov 8 votes
Hit Monkey
RockyshockyEwell65SSS69RenaxqqCharlie215400casual0Project_6brownlikebambi 7 votes
Aleor 1 vote
America Chavez
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,227 ★★★★★
    Professor X
    Prof and Guardian first imo
  • HisakesnHisakesn Member Posts: 6
    Stealth Suit Spider-man
    Even if they are unawakened?
  • FuskieFuskie Member Posts: 111
    Professor X
    I would say Prof X even unduped followed by Void next. But Void is better at higher sig levels.
  • TrongNovTrongNov Member Posts: 319 ★★★
    Void (Awakened)
    If you are still wondering about your first 5* r5, I guess you are at eaely stage of act 6. If my guess is correct then I's go Void as he's extremely useful in act 6 and can handle many nail-biting fights. You can rank Prof X later bc to me he's more of a luxury than a necessity.
  • HisakesnHisakesn Member Posts: 6
    Stealth Suit Spider-man
    @TrongNov You got it spot on actually. I recently completed act 5 and am about to start act 6, so I do need some champions that will help me get through act 6.
  • TrongNovTrongNov Member Posts: 319 ★★★
    Void (Awakened)
    Hisakesn said:

    @TrongNov You got it spot on actually. I recently completed act 5 and am about to start act 6, so I do need some champions that will help me get through act 6.

    Then if I were you Id pick Void first. If I recalled correctly many fights and lanes in act 6 has crazy regen, unstoppable nodes. Void would deal with them effectively. I have to say that even I never like Void's playstyle and don't have him above 4 star in my roster.
    Prof X would be perfect for Grandmaster fight as he's immune to reverse control. By the time you get to 6.4.6, you ll eventually be able to rank 5 Prof X or maybe pull a 6* version of him.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Void (Awakened)
    Considering ur question I'm guessing u're still somewhere around Act 5
    For that level Void will be the most useful, followed by Guardian & Prof X
    I did most of Act 5 with my unawakened Void, so an awakened one should be of great help
    He's also a good champ to improve basic in fight skills
    However Prof X & Guardian are better for improving parry timing
  • Kabam ValkyrieKabam Valkyrie Moderator Posts: 698
    Moving to the correct category :)
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