Better Degen counter: Spider-Ham or Mr. Negative

willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,787 ★★★★★
edited July 2022 in Strategy and Tips
I'm looking to finsih the paths in LoL. Maestro's degen is my only consistent problem from sp1. Is Mr. Neg or Spider-Ham a better counter for the degen that is placed by his sp1? I can't dex it, and since there isn't a Maestro to practice against, I thought I'd just bring a degen counter. I've not really used either, and I can take either up to r5 and max sig them if needed. Thanks for the info.

And by easier, I mean which one is it easier to consistently have his degen counter ability up and running?

Better Degen counter: Spider-Ham or Mr. Negative 46 votes

SceptilemaniacJhonST33VbnmeBe_SomebodyBen_1545530ishJoseOkScrubhanDa_MonstrousityElMelloiTrongNovBluCitizenCedershield311 14 votes
Mr. Negative
FreakydSaiyanNescioЗАКСОЛИНThatGuyYouSaw235WorknprogressyuwMysterioSuros_moonEtjamaRenaxqqTheExit27LpooKhellendros138Gr8TonyStarkCap_MuricaCowabungaShepmagnus_xixNalak8 28 votes
Other [let me know who below. Chances are I have them]
Aleor 1 vote
I didn't know people still did LoL
heruheru511AanthoBar1000 3 votes
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,227 ★★★★★
    When I did lab with my 5* Aegon, I just pushed him to his sp2
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,787 ★★★★★
    Mr. Negative
    Riptide said:

    When I did lab with my 5* Aegon, I just pushed him to his sp2

    I'm impressed. I was taking too much block damage with Aegon. My first run was with r4 Apoc, and r3 duped stryfe. I stll couldn't push him to sp2. He always seemed to fire it off before I could get him there most times.
  • HavanaknightHavanaknight Member Posts: 489 ★★★
    If you run suicides, a colossus/prof x/omega/white mags centric team does really well. 5th member can be AA or Apoc depending on what you need.
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,227 ★★★★★

    Riptide said:

    When I did lab with my 5* Aegon, I just pushed him to his sp2

    I'm impressed. I was taking too much block damage with Aegon. My first run was with r4 Apoc, and r3 duped stryfe. I stll couldn't push him to sp2. He always seemed to fire it off before I could get him there most times.
    Shouldn’t Aegon be unblockable at that point?

    I can link the post I made about my lab run if you want?

  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,142 ★★★★★
    Other [let me know who below. Chances are I have them]
    If you can't dex it, try to push him to sp2
    Iirc, he had some shenanigans based on attacker class, and aegon was worse for me than stryfe in that fight at least. I guess mutant have something like decreased sp damage, therefore you can use kitty for the fight pretty successfully
  • Kabam ValkyrieKabam Valkyrie Moderator Posts: 698
    Moving to the correct category :)
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,787 ★★★★★
    Mr. Negative
    Riptide said:

    Riptide said:

    When I did lab with my 5* Aegon, I just pushed him to his sp2

    I'm impressed. I was taking too much block damage with Aegon. My first run was with r4 Apoc, and r3 duped stryfe. I stll couldn't push him to sp2. He always seemed to fire it off before I could get him there most times.
    Shouldn’t Aegon be unblockable at that point?

    I can link the post I made about my lab run if you want?

    I actually never got far enough with Aegon before switching to using Stryfe since he kept dying. But I'll give him another try. And I'll gladly take one of your YouTube videos.
  • Gr8TonyStarkGr8TonyStark Member Posts: 1,029 ★★★
    Mr. Negative
    Brother go in act4 maestro quest with four 2 stars and 1 of your powerful champion. Finish the lane with your powerful champion and fight maestro with ur 2 or 3 stars weak champions. Don't take blocked hits and try to bait sp1. That will be a good practice.

    Or just hit his block with a powerful champion as to not to kill him but give him power and let him throw his sp1.

    Even I did the same thing for practice and now I can dodge his sp1 with no tension.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,787 ★★★★★
    Mr. Negative

    Brother go in act4 maestro quest with four 2 stars and 1 of your powerful champion. Finish the lane with your powerful champion and fight maestro with ur 2 or 3 stars weak champions. Don't take blocked hits and try to bait sp1. That will be a good practice.

    Or just hit his block with a powerful champion as to not to kill him but give him power and let him throw his sp1.

    Even I did the same thing for practice and now I can dodge his sp1 with no tension.

    Thanks. I didn't realize Act 4 Maestro has the same animations as ex Maestro.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,070 ★★★★★
    Worth noting before reading this: I haven't fought the LOL Maestro.

    However, I think it depends a little on the circumstances. When he's awakened, Mr. Negativer regenerates whenever he takes degen damage (in addition to his resistance to it). When he's unduped, you have to rely on having enough unique debuffs on your opponent to out-resist Spider-Ham (who instead gains 15% resistance for each Spider-Nonsense he has).

    Out of the two, I would probably go with Mr. Negative if he is awakened and Spider-Ham if he's not. In the EOP Dormammu fight, I found it very easy to avoid taking too much degen damage with Spider-Ham. As long as you manage to control your Nonsense, you'll always be able to keep that resistance up. With my unduped Mr. Negative, I've always found it really tricky to have enough debuffs on the opponent consistently during the fight to keep the degen damage down. You basically get a window after your SP2 when you're immune to degen, and then you take a significant amount of damage otherwise. There might be something I'm missing but I just find his resistance unreliable.

    That said, you can tinker with it since it doesn't have to be his own debuffs. If you bring Mr. Fantastic, you can just place three debuffs on the opponent at the start of the fight and, if you play correctly, keep them indefinitely. As such, you'd have 120% indefinite degen resistance. Unreliability solved.

    Whether that is a viable strategy for LOL or not is something I'll let others answer. As I said, I have never even touched LOL. Not my kind of content.
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,227 ★★★★★
    @willrun4adonut here is my lab run post:

    And here is a link to my YT if you are interested:

    I haven’t posted in a while, cause I’ve been really busy, but I got a lot of crystal openings to edit
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,787 ★★★★★
    Mr. Negative
    Thank you @Riptide . I just 100% LoL, and I couldn’t have done it without your advice (and the couple of EoPs you helped with too). I was rewarded with 5* wolvie too with my crystal shards so that was a nice bonus. My account wouldn’t be where it’s at without your help and Bittersteel’s help. Overall, it took 0 units, but countless potions and 172 farmed revives (yikes).

  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,227 ★★★★★
    @willrun4adonut thats great, glad I could help :)

    Congrats on that Wolvie, he seems like a fun horseman!
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