Suicides or no Suicides?

Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
edited July 2022 in Strategy and Tips
After 5 years of playing, I finally decided to spend my units on unlocking the suicide masteries.

For those of you wondering if they’re worth it, for me they are super fun and they add a new dynamic to making arena somewhat enjoyable but I think ultimately they are not useful for most of the high tier endgame content. Perhaps I’m wrong though - please feel free to share your thoughts.

IF you have actually fully unlocked the suicide masteries, do you use them all the time, do you switch back and forth, or do you usually go without them?

PS - I think the Suicide masteries are definitely worth it for longtime players of the game just for the sake of having fun with your champions. I would highly recommend them for arena grinders.

Suicides or no Suicides? 58 votes

I usually run suicides
11MorvalRaoSw0rdMasterMoosetiptronicMathking13Rockypantherxlaserjohn26EtjamaEwell65SSS69SwarmOfRavensShiroiharaMCOC_2020ChiliDogFarrukh_tvBar1000youaintrightOakenshieldNalak8Splitter5050SanDiegoFontainewillrun4adonut 23 votes
I switch about half and half
WhoDaPooUvoginMR_61088NiepodamSaltygoodnessLpooLickyAleks0JustSomeGuyTartarus88 10 votes
I usually do not run suicides
Duo_KulioSpiderCoolsTitoBandito187MaxGamingJhonST33Amazing_Demon05Ctfz35Nockowalkerdogeom12344RenaxqqSoyheyor123Xguard77PandaMan20Bolland0casual0Yodabolt21MrSakuragiLBN1Barri8 25 votes
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


  • Nalak8Nalak8 Member Posts: 387 ★★★
    I usually run suicides
    I run it 95% of the time except when I encounter nodes that make it impossible (some in act 7). But suicide makes arena more tolerable since each fight can be done in about 2-3 combos. I leave it on as a default. I even turn it on in my mini cuz I can’t stand the slow fights.
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  • Kabam ValkyrieKabam Valkyrie Moderator Posts: 698
    Moving to the correct category :)
  • ShiroiharaShiroihara Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    I usually run suicides
    I unlocked them about 6 months ago and haven’t touched them since.
    I did act 7 100% with them on.
    Even when a fight is deemed not suicide friendly, I found that many times the extra damage outweighs the lost of health. I have no issues with grinding revives an potions.
    I took ProffX against Ikaris on EOP and used three revives, so what? 🤷🏻‍♂️
    In addition, some of my fav champs are immensely better: Kitty, Diablo, BWCV, Mags…
    I don’t see I’ll ever switch them off.
  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★
    I usually run suicides
    I unlocked them the last time the 1k unit mastery core deal came around and prefer to keep them on since then. They significantly change some champs for the better like my r4 ghost and made diablo my mvp for Carina's challengers abyss since he heals to full from a 20% revive and becomes tankier

    I have them on or off depending on whether my main AW attacker is Ghost or Prof X other than that I keep them on for arena and quests
  • ChiliDogChiliDog Member Posts: 911 ★★★
    I usually run suicides
    Everyone should not ask others on this. You won't know unless you try yourself.
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    I usually run suicides

    I unlocked them the last time the 1k unit mastery core deal came around and prefer to keep them on since then. They significantly change some champs for the better like my r4 ghost and made diablo my mvp for Carina's challengers abyss since he heals to full from a 20% revive and becomes tankier

    I have them on or off depending on whether my main AW attacker is Ghost or Prof X other than that I keep them on for arena and quests

    It's the healing that seals it for me. Run corvus, herc, Diablo, Omega, red mags, iabom, knull, bwcv, cable horseman and you have a healer for the lane.

    Then you have all those top options that don't suffer too much from them; Ultron, g2099, nimrod, CGR, ghost, kitty, HB, kingpin, shang, mole, apoc..

    And you can still take Mr f, Prof x, doom, tigra, hype and torch and go "special happy" on a problem fight or two.
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