Spider-Man 2099’s Exhaustion Debuff No Longer Preventing Sasquatch’s Spirit of Rage [Merged Threads]

CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
edited August 2022 in Bugs and Known Issues
After the latest game patch Spider-Man 2099’s exhaustion (from heavy attacks) no longer prevents Sasquatch from gaining rage. I have observed this in practice mode and the Grandmaster’s Gauntlet. I tested other exhaustion debuff’s (Luke Cage and She-Hulk) and they were preventing the rage stacks as expected.

Video recorded in practice mode:


iPad Air 3rd gen
iOS 15.5
Latest game build
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on


  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, thanks for the info. Would you be able to tell us if you've had this happen in any other game modes?
  • AndimingaAndiminga Member Posts: 39
    Yes, I also experienced in AQ that Exhaustion isn't working as before and therefore lost my champ.

    tested it now in Duels and also there Exhausting not preventing SPIRIT OF RAGE
  • 228228 Member Posts: 76
    KarateMike also confirmed this in the Gauntlet…
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Just as a heads up, passed the info and videos along to the rest of the team to look into already, though probably won't have any more updates until next week.
  • 228228 Member Posts: 76
    Thank you!!
  • RugbyThompsonRugbyThompson Member Posts: 0
    I’m fighting Sasquatch in this months EQ (Galan chapter) and I’m using spider2099. I throw a heavy to place exhaustion so he doesn’t trigger Wrath of Tanaraq but somehow still gained it. I went in with Luke and She hulk

    to see if it’s Sasquatch or S2099 and it looks like it’s spidey that’s bugged unless I’m missing something?
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    Saw other things about this as well, looks like it’s bugged. Hopefully we get some news about this since I’m using him against Gauntlet Sassy
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    The team's working on a fix for it. We'll update as soon as we have more definitive info to share about this.
  • Kasnow1Kasnow1 Member Posts: 83
    Hello! The update did not fix Spider Man 99's issue that being exhausted doesn’t prevent Sasquatch from gaining rage charges. I read here that it will be solved in the next update
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Quick update: The team believes they've found the root cause of the issue and are prepping a fix for it that is looking like it'll be ready to go out in the next update.
  • Gigetto17Gigetto17 Member Posts: 12

    Quick update: The team believes they've found the root cause of the issue and are prepping a fix for it that is looking like it'll be ready to go out in the next update.

    So during all current season alliance war 36 we have to face sasquatch boss with the impossibility to prevent spirit of rage using spidy2099? Very good Kabam! Season 36 will be the best bugged season.
  • Perfect_jabPerfect_jab Member Posts: 109
    Would of been nice to know this before taking him into gauntlet to fight sassy. But if gauntlet defender like sassy wasnt working right an didnt get his regen because of a bug he would be fixed right away. Wasted alot of resources from this.
  • AndimingaAndiminga Member Posts: 39

    Quick update: The team believes they've found the root cause of the issue and are prepping a fix for it that is looking like it'll be ready to go out in the next update.

    Just forgotten to be added in release notes for 36.2 or it won't be fixed??
  • Heck33Heck33 Member Posts: 13
    Same question, dropped an AB today because of this bug and didn’t see it mentioned in the change log. Should we expect it to be broken for the last wars of the season and part of next season as well?
  • 228228 Member Posts: 76
    Andiminga said:

    Quick update: The team believes they've found the root cause of the issue and are prepping a fix for it that is looking like it'll be ready to go out in the next update.

    Just forgotten to be added in release notes for 36.2 or it won't be fixed??
    Yeah I read over the release notes and don’t see it in there…

    I have a R4 Spidey99. Would be nice if he wasn’t broken please…
  • CrimsonBadgerCrimsonBadger Member Posts: 90
    Now that we are past the holiday, do we have any updates?
  • AndimingaAndiminga Member Posts: 39
    228 said:

    Yeah I read over the release notes and don’t see it in there…

    I have a R4 Spidey99. Would be nice if he wasn’t broken please…

    Tested it in Duels and looks like Exhaustion debuff works again

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