Bull Targets Synergy (Hood-Stryfe Synergy) is bugged since release

KingJmxKingJmx Member Posts: 19
The Bull Targets Synergy between Hood and Stryfe is not working since it was released last January 2021.

As per description of the said synergy, The Hood should gain +50 attack rating while Invisible, however this synery is bugged since it was release last January 2021 and The Hood never gain +50 attack rating while his Invisibility is active.

People have been reporting this bug including me who regularly send a complaint ticket every month requesting for a bug fix. Only 3 months to go, this bug will enter its second year of existence. Please fix this bug.

I have attached photos of my investigation on this bug. Here's a link to video of this bug https://youtu.be/m7HGb54uqEQ


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