BG Rewards and Banquet timing

Hello Kabam
Will BG season rewards be released in time for players to join a new alliance and be eligible to participate in the Banquet event at all? I'm sorry but the timing and lag of pushing out BG rewards compared to the Banquet event seems like some players have to decide between 1 or the other. That's simply awful to the players and also bad for Kabam as some spenders may simply not spend if they can't get both but desire to leave.
For the record, I'm not leaving. I'm a leader of a longstanding alliance so it won't impact my account outside of potentially only 29 eligible to contribute instead of 30 kind of thing but am concerned for anyone coming or going.
Please advise, and if there is already a thread started about this concern can you please direct me that way and I can read what was already posted.
Thank you.
Will BG season rewards be released in time for players to join a new alliance and be eligible to participate in the Banquet event at all? I'm sorry but the timing and lag of pushing out BG rewards compared to the Banquet event seems like some players have to decide between 1 or the other. That's simply awful to the players and also bad for Kabam as some spenders may simply not spend if they can't get both but desire to leave.
For the record, I'm not leaving. I'm a leader of a longstanding alliance so it won't impact my account outside of potentially only 29 eligible to contribute instead of 30 kind of thing but am concerned for anyone coming or going.
Please advise, and if there is already a thread started about this concern can you please direct me that way and I can read what was already posted.
Thank you.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
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The community team is off the weekend. You can tag them all you want on Saturdays and Sundays, but they’re not going to answer because they aren’t there. You’re just senselessly spamming them.
Second, they gave time for people to make changes. They announced dates for the banquet last month with enough time for players to change alliances and still receive BG rewards in their new alliance and participate in the banquet for rewards. It wasn’t the most time in the world, but communication was out in time. AW rewards were received 12/7 and the final week of BG didn’t start until 12/12, and AQ was off on 12/9-10. Any players that wanted to receive rewards from all things and also switch alliances had that window of time, which is more than the extra 24 hours than you’re asking for, to make their move without sacrificing anything aside from potentially landing in an alliance with less BG points. There’s no “reasonable compromise” to make when reasonable notice was given and a reasonable window of time already existed. You can’t wait until the last minute and expect to be able to do everything you want, as much as it may suck.
In my alliance 2-3 players will took a break due to their exams and 1 player is leaving because of health issues after the BG rewards, So we goona need to replace them with new members but Timing of Bg rewards and Banquet event will ruin this. If BG rewards rolled out late like last time then they couldn't able to participate in the Banquet event.
So please please do something on this.
Let's be honest though. This issue hurts their revenue stream more than it hurts the player base if they don't do anything. If players have less rewards potential they are less likely to spend as much. That's just simple logic. The gifting and now banquet events are definitely big revenue generators for Kabam and there is nothing wrong with that either. Without revenue, there isn't a game. For most players, why give up on arguably the best rewards available in BG for an event that costs units/cash? They absolutely can recognize this circumstance and adjust the rolling restriction or figure out something so players can freely switch alliances if they so choose and participate in the banquet event. Just because something was not considered before doesn't mean they have to double down and just stay status quo when more things come to light.
The main point of the post is to get clarification. It was, in fact, directly addressed to kabam. Secondary is making sure they didn't overlook a key angle in all this. I'm not assuming they did or didn't, but if they did and already decided what to do all they need to do is clarify what the players can expect whether good or bad. If they didn't, they can think things through more and potentially make an adjustment. I'm not expecting anything more than clarification but this whole mantra of criticism towards players changing alliances or having to choose between sets of rewards for things they participated in (or will) just isn't OK either from the player base.
As for the above statement, this Forum is first and foremost for Players to discuss the game. Not just direct communication with Kabam.
You want all the rewards? Get in an serious alliance that does most of the stuff you want, If you wanna keep switching alliances then be aware of the consequences, which are basically not getting all the stuff that you want.
Alliances are not meant for your personal benefit, are meant to have 30 allies that help each other to get the best rewards in the Alliance stuff like AW, AQ, Alliance Events and so on.
If you stayed in that Alliance for the BG, then as the other dude said, you value more the BG rewards than the Banquet ones, as easy as that.
2) In my specific isolated instance, it's a long time officer who unexpectedly got an offer to be in a p1/2 alliance and those don't exactly grow on trees. This officer will gladly be welcomed back if he doesn't like playing at that level of war. But my alliance is stable and 1 of how many thousands of alliances and we don't just think about our own circumstances but overall the community as a collective whole.
People keep going back to what was communicated on timelines and should have chosen 1 for all. How do you know if the alliance you join works out? Turnover happens for a million different reasons, many of which were unforeseen, and can be both voluntary and involuntary. Maybe some people are getting a surprise boot despite finishing everything timely and had no deaths all war season. Some get better opportunities. That's life.
For the record, I've also reached out to a couple YouTube players who have asked the same question to @Kabam Miike directly and have not yet received a response at the time of this post (or haven't checked in to see a pending response in the last few hours). If people have questions, it's fair to expect a response.
The funny thing about those throwing shade at the question, I'm taking the time to look into this for other people and not myself. I've been either an officer or leader of my alliance since 2018 when it was first formed and we created the alliance trying to leave the old one behind as a feeder that had a bunch of resources stocked up. I haven't bounced anywhere in a LONG time. I'm trying to do good for others. Simple as that
If you have a question that requires a direct answer, the Forums are not the place for it. You can send a message to our Support team. They are here for one on one conversation. The forums are not the place to seek direct answers.
We do not have a timeline on when the rewards from Battlegrounds will be out, and you must be in the Alliance you were a part of during the BG season to get the event rewards. There have always been overlaps and decisions to be made about joining and leaving Alliances when it comes to events, and this is another example of those.