Marvel Universe Request Your HELP for dying fellow MCOC player

I'm posting this to some how, with your help, gets this message to the Leadership at Kabam. If any of you know how we can spread the word like wild fire, I would really appreciate it. Basically, we found out a fellow player in our alliance is truly dying in the next few days, as stated by his doctor. His liver is giving out on him and it's too late for any liver transplant options. He's been playing this game for about 3 years and one of his wish is to get some decent champs and units to make at least one run at labyrinth of legends. So for those who thinks this is a joke, please don't comment and move on. For others, please help forward this request to Kabam somehow to help our fellow MCOC player. His in game name is Kevo042431.
This discussion has been closed.
It seems that Kabam has the way to give out temporary "preview" champs to some players sign up for the beta program. If not mistaken, Kabam can give out selected champs (perhaps with a specific rank and level and sig-level as well), but only for a limited time, upon the expiration the champs will be taken back or disappear from the roaster.
Anyway this is the forum and nothing will be done here. Try your luck contacting a moderator directly or something
Dr. Zola
Do you really always have to speak like this?
Not every time you point the obvious
Captain obvious
Besides he's already trying his luck here to get a mod to acknowledge the post
To OP sorry about your friend and please pass my sincere condolence
No, I'm just saying not to have any hope for this to happen.
We're really very sorry to hear that, and thank you for making this effort for your fellow summoner! I see that you've reached out to our support team, and they've given you some advice on this. Please follow those instructions, and send my best wishes to Kev.