They don’t ban accounts for no reason. Sounds like you a shared your account with someone which is very much against the rules and could explain the ban. Regardless, absolutely nothing can be done on the forums and you’re just wasting time here. Open up a ticket with support.
I didn't use any mod and you bann my account if didn't un bann my account they I will defenatly created more hack id
So in same message you say your account didn't use mods then immediately threaten to make "more" mod accounts. Fyi, then can ban you entire device so good luck with that.
I didn't use any mod and you bann my account if didn't un bann my account they I will defenatly created more hack id
Threats...seriously!?!?!? I'm sure executive leaders at Kabam are meeting right now to figure out what to do if they dont un-ban your account and you cheat again.
These Forums aren't the place to discuss any actions which have been taken on individual accounts, including in-game bans. There's more information HERE regarding account bans.
Regardless, absolutely nothing can be done on the forums and you’re just wasting time here. Open up a ticket with support.
Yeah, looks like Kabam did the right thing here.