Summoner choice 23 is the Final 4 Questionable can we see the No of Votes Kabam ??

So we now know who the final 4 is & for me it’s no surprise Gladiator & Bullseye made it , these were my final 2 from the start but along with all my alliance we all voted for either Gladiator or Deathlok & I was hearing a lot from the community about Deathlok votes , absolutely nothing on SpiderPunk how he made it is beyond me & White Tiger only a few mentions from certain YouTubers so I really can’t see how Deathlok missed out real shame not to even make the final cut so my question to Kabam is can you post the numbers of votes so ppl like me can understand the results I would appreciate it
I don’t believe the voting is fair. Either it’s rigged and Kabam is pushing the champ they want anyways, or the majority of players don’t care and just tap something and move on (the first few they see). 3 of the first 4 champs in the selection window made it through and 3 of the last 4 champs in the selection window were eliminated.
I compiled all the comments from posts here, on Reddit, in discord, and YouTube comment sections on videos about summoner choice. Deathlok was leading by a 1.5:1 margin over the second place Bullseye. That is massive eyebrow raising shift in results from the sample.
The last summoner’s choice was essentially rigged too by loaded choice. They put Agatha with a bunch of unknowns. They put Quicksilver with unknowns. It is a bit interesting that Beta Ray Bill knocked out Bullseye. But between Agatha vs QS; that is completely obvious who wins. This would be like putting a bunch of lesser known champs in a lineup with Mystique. We all know Mystique wins.
Looking at 2021, there was a Reddit poll with over 520 votes. Omega Sentinel was leading 360 to 160 over Hercules. There were a lot of grumbling as about a rigged vote then too.
So Kabam has told us who the top four were. What would the specific numbers change about that? If you truly believe Kabam is rigging the vote, then why would you expect them to present evidence to prove that?
Bigger question is this: why would Kabam want to rig this? Why would they care who we chose? They already decide what the choices are, and if there were champs they didn't want us to pick, then they would more easily just not include them in the vote.
I voted for Deathlok, BTW. My alliance mates were mostly talking about voting Bullseye as I recall.
That’s why I floated the idea that it may just be that people tend to not take the time to look at all the selections and picked some in the first 4 visible in the selection window without bothering to scroll right.
As for how this benefits Kabam. We know they already have a backlog of potential champions. Some that they have done a lot of work on to flesh out the details. Some are further along than others. If you led a team of content designers; wouldn’t you prefer the community “chooses” a champion that requires the least amount of time to complete? Or, if you had a roadmap of content and knew you wanted to add another class/type of champion for future content, you might pick a popular character and pair them with lesser known characters to give the illusion of community control knowing the vote will go a certain way. And even if it doesn’t; no one will know the real results anyway.
At 99% confidence level with a 5% margin, for any population greater than 500,000 you only need 664 samples.
Also, I’ll repeat since everyone here is hypersensitive to anything math related, if the manner in which the options are presented is unfair, the voting is unfair. Even if the numbers are legitimate, by manipulating the choices or having a poor interface the voting can still be unfair.
Regardless, no one is skewing the results, and it is not unfairly swayed. They have no payoff in that. If they wanted to release the Champ they wanted, they would do that. That whole narrative is unsportsmanlike.
Agree on the point that the vote can be rigged without changing numbers.
Love to see the passion, and I am sorry that some of your Favourite Characters got cut out in the first round. I'm still shocked that my top Character came in dead last, and it wasn't even close. Poor Marrow... your time will come someday.
When it comes to competitions/votes like this, there will always be 1 winner and several that are eliminated, each one of which was somebody's favourite.
But to call this rigged is a big stretch, especially when there is a very easy way to see which Champions were the most popular. Check out how people voted for them in the Summoner's Choice Wildcard vote.
Here you can see that the Top 3 Champions that moved on all got the most retweets. That's not a 1:1 representation of who got the most votes, but it's a pretty good indicator of who Summoners were most excited about.
At the time we counted the retweets, it was:
Bullseye: 270
Gladiator: 248
White Tiger: 465!!!!!!
In-game voting was for the top 3 Champions that will move on to Round 2 of the vote. The 4th spot was for the Character that got the most retweets but didn't get Top 3 in-game, and it was Spider-Punk with 215 Retweets, beating Deathlok's 179, Marrow's 107, and Sunfire and Echo with less than 100 each.
So, to address the conspiracy theory that Spider-Punk was rigged to be a part of it: The numbers are right there. He won the Wildcard vote, and the numbers are entirely public. And here's why that wildcard vote matters: Spider-Punk did not win the popular vote and came in a very close 5th! Showing up in every way for your Favourite character matters!
Not everybody is on Twitter, and we get that, but that is part of the vote and we want to reward those that go out of their way to follow us on our Social channels like we used to do with Forum polls for Champion updates. As we do more votes in the future, more votes will be held on our Social channels.