Alliance Quest Season 11 - Event Setup 2.0

Kabam JaxKabam Jax Member, Moderator Posts: 1,718 ★★★★★
edited November 2023 in General Discussion


Hello Summoners! With the release of 41.3 you will be seeing substantial changes to Alliance Quest! Find the details you need below!

Map Costs

  • Map costs have been removed from Maps 7 & 8.

Changes to Event Structure

We are changing AQ from a 5 days on, 3 days off to instead being a strict 7 day cycle running from Monday 19:00 UTC (11 am PST - Vancouver Time currently) and ending at the same time on the following Monday. In this cycle alliance leadership can enlist each Battlegroup individually for up to 4 of those 7 days.

Some additional details are:

We will no longer reflect Daylight Savings time changes for AllIance Quest Events. They will always run on a 7 day, 24h per day cadence.

Once set, Enlistments will be saved and will no longer have to be set up each following week. However, when Modifiers change, officers will still need to manually make adjustments.

You can skip days or run them consecutively.

You can’t enlist for a day after it's started. Once it begins you also lose the ability to change the map.

New Feature - Alliance Quest Landing Page

Landing Page: When you enter AQ you will be taken to a new landing page similar to the Battlegrounds page. From this page you will be able to navigate to everything Alliance Quests.

Here is a list of what's accessible from the new landing page:

Enlistment Panel:

  • From here you will be able to enter maps that you’ve enlisted for on the active day as well as see a preview of the maps other battlegroups are enlisted for.
  • If you aren’t enlisted for a day the daily summary page will display a “Enlist Now” button which will take you to the Event Calendar page (Details on that page below).
  • If you are enlisted for a day a “Play Now” button will appear. From here you will be taken to the normal Battlegroup selection page where you can join one then edit your team to enter the map. 
  • AQ Calendar Screen:
    • This is where leadership will enlist each battlegroup for alliance quest. More details below.
    • Top Rewards:
      • This will take you to the rewards screen.
      • BG Assignments:
        • This will take you to the Battlegroup Assignment screen.
        • Glory Store:
          • This link will take you directly to the Glory Store.
          • Leaderboard:
            • This screen will now always be visible permanently showing the previous week's leaderboards.
            • How to Play:
              • This takes you to the How to Play screen. The How to Play screen also includes a new Calendar section outlining information on how the Calendar works.

              New Feature - AQ Calendar Screen

              • The Calendar Screen will allow alliance leadership to choose which days to enlist each battlegroup for alliance quest. We will break down how this screen works here, but if you need a refresher later you can always tap the ? button on the top right corner of the screen to view the How to Play screen explaining much of the same info.
              • The basic setup for the week will involve tapping the tile for a day you wish to edit which will open the following overlay.

              • From here you can tap the arrows to change the map for your selected day. Once you have chosen your map go to the Select Modifier Tab to select your map mods.

              • Note that any changes are instantly applied to the screen below and you can tap away from the screen to close it at any time. Your changes however are not saved to the server until you press the save button on the Calendar screen.

              Additionally this overlay has some helpful buttons to make setup a little quicker, they are

              Clear. Pretty simple - it clears the current day.

              Copy. This will allow you to copy the map and mod settings for this day and paste them to other applicable days.

              Swap. This will swap the map and modifier setting for this day with another day.

              Back on the calendar screen there are a couple of buttons on the header bar.

              • Current Week will be where you make any changes to the week you are currently on. Any changes saved to the current week will only affect that week and not persist into following weeks.
              • Next Week is where you can change the enlistments for next week and any following weeks. This will be saved persistently and once setup will only need to be changed when you want to tweak things or if modifiers change with an update.
              • Revert button (Turning arrow symbol) This will revert any changes you have made to either week to your last saved value.
              • Info button. This is where you can find out more about the calendar screen if you still want to read more after this forum post!

              Don’t Forget to Save!

              Once you have made all your changes don’t forget to save the changes by pressing the save button. Saving will apply changes made in both the current week and next week. The button will be disabled if no changes have been made.

              Modifier Updates

              • Modifiers will be dropping to 4 in each pool. We had to reduce the total number of modifiers so players can set up enlistments for “Next Week” and keep their modifier selections the same. 
              • Modifiers are getting a new color scheme when selecting them as shown below:

              Normal Modifiers:

              Heroic Modifiers:

              Master Modifiers:

              Epic Modifiers:

              Eternal Modifiers:

              Reward Updates

              General Reward Changes

              • Map Rewards are no longer shared between all alliance members or Battlegroups. You will only get map rewards for the maps YOU play.
              • Glory Milestone and Honor Rewards have been adjusted so that Alliances get approximately the same rewards for four days of play per cycle as they did for five days in recent cycles. Because the points awarded per map doesn’t scale consistently, lining up the tuning so the rewards were exactly the same was not possible. We believe with the new tuning Alliances that play Map 5 and above will get the same or slightly better rewards, while those playing Map 4 and below will get the same or slightly worse rewards. We will be monitoring this tuning and will make changes to make sure we hit this goal.
              • To accommodate the loss of rewards that members could be losing we have tripled the yields for Map based rewards from what they were previously. 
                • If an alliance runs all the same days with 3 battlegroups your rewards will be the same. Alliances that run fewer Battlegroups will net more rewards than previously.
              • There have been modest reward updates to the Honor rewards, Ranked rewards and Glory milestones.This is the first of three reward updates to AQ we are planning. A Glory store update and a much larger reward update will launch alongside Raids early next year, including the addition of a completely new AQ reward vector.

              Reward Specifics

              Boss Updates: 

              Map 3:

              Mini-Boss (Variation 2): Vox

              • False Confidence - 1: Every 10 seconds, the Defender gains a 10 second Fury Buff increasing Attack Rating by 20%. These Buffs start paused, but begin to expire when the Defender is Intercepted.
              • Press the Advantage - 1: While the Defender has an Undermine effect, they also gain a Fury Passive increasing Attack Rating by 400, and a Pierce Passive of 400 potency

              Mini-Boss (Variation 3): Elsa Bloodstone

              • Armor - 2 (45%): The Defender gains +45% Armor Rating from the start of the fight
              • Enhanced Energy Attacks: The Defender’s hits that deal Energy Damage gain Attack Rating based on 40% of their Base Attack Rating.

              Final-Boss: Cosmic Ghost Rider

              • Return Policy - 1: Whenever any of the Defenders Buffs are Nullified, they gain 20% of a bar of Power. Armor Break Debuffs Nullify Armor Up Buffs.

              Map 4:

              Mini-Boss (Variation 1): Mole Man

              • Boost Buff (Unstoppable) 2: The Defender's Unstoppable Buffs gain 50% duration and Ability Accuracy. While an Unstoppable Buff is active, the Defender fights more aggressively.
              • Aggression: Precision: Every 2 seconds on a timer, gain a Precision passive increasing Critical Hit Rating by 25% per stack. When struck, reset the timer and remove a Precision passive stack.
              • Strike Back: When damaged by a Special Attack, this enemy gains 1 bar of Power.

              Mini-Boss (Variation 2): Punisher 2099

              • Maximum Overdrive: When Punisher 2099's Battery reaches intervals of exactly 25%, he gains 25% of his Max Power over 5 seconds.
              • Heal or Hide: Every 12 seconds, the Defender gains a Regeneration Buff restoring 10% of their Max Health over 5 seconds. If the Attacker is far away from the Defender when this triggers, the Attacker gains Regeneration instead.
              • Indomitable: The Defender's healing abilities can't be reversed, when this would occur they're instead only prevented from Healing.

              Final-Boss: Cosmic Ghost Rider

              • Return Policy - 1: Whenever any of the Defenders Buffs are Nullified, they gain 20% of a bar of Power. Armor Break Debuffs Nullify Armor Up Buffs.

              Armored Assault: While the Defender has a Armor Up Buff active they gain +65% attack rating and their attacks become Unblockable.

              Map 5:

              Mini-Boss (Variation 1): Sentinel

              • Rich get Richer (Power) - 2: Whichever Champion has more Unique Buffs gains 9% of a bar of Power every second.
              • Power Buildup: When the Defender reaches 2 Bars of Power, they gain an indefinite Prowess Buff every 2 second(s) increasing Special Attack Damage by 100%.
              • Mystic Conditioning 2: Whenever the Attacker attempts to remove a Buff with a Nullify, Fate seal, or Stagger, the chances of all future Nullify, Fateseal, and Stagger effects is reduced by 15%

              Mini-Boss (Variation 3): Emma Frost

              • Powerful from Afar: Each time the Attacker leaves striking distance, the Defender gains a Power Gain Buff. When entering striking distance the Buff is removed.
              • Close Encounters: While close to the Defender the Attacker Regenerates 1% of their Max Health every second. While far away from the Defender, the Attacker Degenerates 3% of their Max Health every second.
              • Heavy Assault: Both Champions' Attack is increased by 500% when using a Heavy Attack. While charging a Heavy Attack, this Defender is Unstoppable, unaffected by Ability Accuracy Reduction.

              Final-Boss: Cosmic Ghost Rider

              • Heavy Assault: Both Champions' Attack is increased by 500% when using a Heavy Attack. While charging a Heavy Attack, this Defender is Unstoppable, unaffected by Ability Accuracy Reduction.
              • Return Policy - 1: Whenever any of the Defenders Buffs are Nullified, they gain 20% of a bar of Power. Armor Break Debuffs Nullify Armor Up Buffs.
              • Armored Assault: While the Defender has a Armor Up Buff active they gain +65% attack rating and their attacks become Unblockable.

              Map 6:

              Mini-Boss (Variation 1): Sandman

              • Limber: Each time the Defender is Stunned, they reduce the duration of Stuns by 10%.
              • Power Through Sickness - 2: Each time the Attacker is inflicted with any Debuff, the Defender gains a Power Gain Passive granting 10% of Max Power over 8 seconds. This Power Gain does not stack multiple times.
              • Down for the Count - 3: The first hit of the Defender’s Heavy Attack pauses all Non-Damaging Debuffs on the Attacker for 10 seconds. This does not apply if already active.
              • Martial Discipline: Every 5 Critical Hits a Skill Attacker lands Purifies all non-damaging Debuffs on them.

              Mini-Boss (Variation 3): Mister Sinister

              • Rich get Richer (Power) - 3: Whichever Champion has more Unique Buffs gains 12% of a bar of Power every second.
              • Feat of Indestructible 1: When the Attacker reaches 1 Bar of Power, the Defender gains a Indestructible Buff causing them to ignore all damage for 5 seconds.
              • Turtling: If the Attacker hasn't landed a hit in 6 seconds the Defender gains an indefinite Armor Up Buff, increasing their Armor Rating by 30%, with a max of 3 stacks. Landing a hit resets the timer.
              • Running On Fumes: While close to the Defender, the Attacker gains a Fatigue Debuff every 3 seconds, reducing their Critical Rating permanently. Staying far away from the Defender causes these Fatigue effects to gradually fall off.

              Final-Boss: Cosmic Ghost Rider

              • Heavy Assault: Both Champions' Attack is increased by 500% when using a Heavy Attack. While charging a Heavy Attack, this Defender is Unstoppable, unaffected by Ability Accuracy Reduction.
              • Return Policy - 2: Whenever any of the Defenders Buffs are Nullified, they gain 40% of a bar of Power. Armor Break Debuffs Nullify Armor Up Buffs.

              Armored Assault: While the Defender has a Armor Up Buff active they gain +65% attack rating and their attacks become Unblockable.

              Map 7:

              Mini-Boss (Variation 2): Titana

              • Power Through Sickness - 2: Each time the Attacker is inflicted with any Debuff, the Defender gains a Power Gain Passive granting 10% of Max Power over 8 seconds. This Power Gain does not stack multiple times.
              • Roll With The Punches: Each time the Defender receives a Stun Debuff, they reduce the duration of further Stun Debuffs by 20% unless the Attacker has an active Buff or Prowess Passive when the Stun Debuff is inflicted.
              • Scared Stiff - 2: Every 8 seconds the Attacker is Rooted for 4 seconds. Rooted Champions cannot move, but can still attack, block and dodge. Activating a Special Attack removes Root and prevents it from applying. This timer is paused while the Attacker is Rooted and is reset if the Attacker lands a hit.

              Mini-Boss (Variation 3): Magneto

              • Polka Dot Power: The Attacker gains no Power from landing or receiving attacks, instead they are granted 12% of a Power Bar per second while the Defender is suffering from a damaging debuff.
              • Sadist - 2: This Defender gains +25% Attack for each Debuff on them.
              • Flux Dispersal: Each time the Defender is Struck they gain a Dispersal Charge, which reduces all Damage taken from Hits by 5%. Being Struck by a Heavy Attack removes all Charges.

              Final-Boss: Cosmic Ghost Rider

              • Heavy Assault: Both Champions' Attack is increased by 500% when using a Heavy Attack. While charging a Heavy Attack, this Defender is Unstoppable, unaffected by Ability Accuracy Reduction.
              • Mix Master: If the Attacker launches the same Basic Attack twice in a row the Defender has a 100% chance to Evade.
              • Return Policy - 2: Whenever any of the Defenders Buffs are Nullified, they gain 40% of a bar of Power. Armor Break Debuffs Nullify Armor Up Buffs.
              • Armored Assault: While the Defender has a Armor Up Buff active they gain +65% attack rating and their attacks become Unblockable.

              Map 8:

              Mini-Boss (Variation 1-3): Dani Moonstar

              • Power Buildup: When the Defender reaches 2 Bars of Power, they gain an indefinite Prowess Buff every 2 second(s) increasing Special Attack Damage by 100%.
              • Dazed and Confused - 3: Well-Timed Blocks from the Attacker start a 9 second timer, if the Attacker Well-Timed Blocks again within this window they will be inflicted with a 100% Falter Debuff for 5 seconds.
              • Section 1 = Prowess Makes Perfect - 3: While the Defender has a Prowess Buff, knocking them down with a Heavy Attack will remove 1 Prowess Buff and grant the Attacker a 10% Prowess Buff for 5 seconds.
              • Section 2 = Faltering Mind: Falter Effects inflicted by this Defender last for 1 additional second and reduce the Attackers Defensive Ability Accuracy by 100%.

              Final-Boss #1: Cosmic Ghost Rider

              • Heavy Assault: Both Champions' Attack is increased by 500% when using a Heavy Attack. While charging a Heavy Attack, this Defender is Unstoppable, unaffected by Ability Accuracy Reduction.
              • Mix Master: If the Attacker launches the same Basic Attack twice in a row the Defender has a 100% chance to Evade.
              • Return Policy - 2: Whenever any of the Defenders Buffs are Nullified, they gain 40% of a bar of Power. Armor Break Debuffs Nullify Armor Up Buffs.
              • Armored Assault: While the Defender has a Armor Up Buff active they gain +65% attack rating and their attacks become Unblockable.

              Final-Boss #2: Sorcerer Supreme

              • Permanent Rune of Raggadorr: The Defender begins each fight with a permanent Rune of Raggadorr
              • Armor - 3 (66%): The Defender gains +66% Armor Rating from the start of the fight
              • Nullify Countdown - 3: Once the Defender Nullifies 4 Buff(s), they gain a Power Gain Buff granting 100% of Max Power over 10 second(s).
              • Enhanced Recovery - 4 (200%): Healing and Regeneration abilities recover 200% more Health.
              • Improved Power Gain - 50: Increases all Power this Defender receives from Power Gain Effects by 50%.
              • Lionheart: Whenever the Defender's healing abilities would be reduced or reversed by a Debuff, they instead heal with 300% Potency and deals 200% of their Attack as Direct Damage to the Attacker over 5 Seconds.
              Edit November 10th: Updated Epic and Eternal Modifiers
              Edit November 16th: It is worth noting that peak milestones have been rescaled. Ex: the previous ceiling was 1.1billion with 4500 glory, now 4500 glory is awarded at 825 million. This was done to accommodate the change from 5 days to 4.
              Post edited by Kabam Zero on


              • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
                Teleus said:

                If you setup a bg everyday of the week, can an individual end up doing 7 days of AQ?

                No. 4 days max.
              • TeleusTeleus Member Posts: 119
                edited November 2023
                Buttehrs said:

                No. 4 days max.

                Appreciate your response, but looking for an official answer since there is no way to just tell from the information given. Currently you can be in bg1 on day 1 and bg2 on the other days, so in theory a 7 day run for a single player might be possible.
              • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,913 ★★★★★
                Teleus said:

                Buttehrs said:

                No. 4 days max.

                Appreciate your response, but looking for an official answer since there is no way to just tell from the information given. Currently you can be in bg1 on day 1 and bg2 on the other days, so in theory a 7 day run for a single player might be possible.
                Nothing has been said that an alliance couldn’t set it up that way and shift players to different BGs on days that their first BG is off. Only that each BG can only enlist for up to 4 days.

              • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,294 Guardian
                Teleus said:

                If you setup a bg everyday of the week, can an individual end up doing 7 days of AQ?

                While the Maximum Total number of AQ participation during the week will be 4 x 3 x 10 = 120.
                I think it had already been asked when first proposed a while back, whether or not individuals could participate in more than 4 in a week (although that would then lower how many days some others in the alliance would be able to participate in).

                Don’t recall seeing an answer to that back then.
                And would be nice to get clarification now too.

                **note, I’m hoping that the new system will NOT lock someone into a particular BG for the entire week. Which, would actually make this question mute, but would definitely be a drawback.
              • 7h3wh173r488177h3wh173r48817 Member Posts: 20
                what date are these changes going live?
              • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,913 ★★★★★

                what date are these changes going live?

                It says with 41.3. We’re on 41.2 right now so assuming when the update drops on Mon/Tues. That would put it at the AQ following the current one.
              • TeleusTeleus Member Posts: 119

                While the Maximum Total number of AQ participation during the week will be 4 x 3 x 10 = 120.
                I think it had already been asked when first proposed a while back, whether or not individuals could participate in more than 4 in a week (although that would then lower how many days some others in the alliance would be able to participate in).

                Don’t recall seeing an answer to that back then.
                And would be nice to get clarification now too.

                **note, I’m hoping that the new system will NOT lock someone into a particular BG for the entire week. Which, would actually make this question mute, but would definitely be a drawback.

                Yeah, it would mean some can't do 4, but in my mind that's a selling point - some people don't want to do aq, so this would allow those who enjoy it to do more and those who don't to do less while still letting the guild explore all maps they sign up for.

                I also hope there is no weekly lock by battlegroup.
              • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 7,405 Guardian
                TyEdge said:

                Lemme get this straight. The calendar is about to flip to 2024. 7-star r3 champs are coming to the contest. And if I finish ranked 151 in the whole battlerealm in AQ, I get 5% of a t6b and t3a and no t6cc?

                Look at the difference between rank 251 and rank 1200. It’s 200 glory and scraps of lower catalysts. Where is the incentive to progress or try harder maps?

                There is t6cc in the top 150 though...
              • D3ZTRUCTION22D3ZTRUCTION22 Member Posts: 5

                At this point I'm quite disappointed, currently my alliance and I play on map 5, all 5 days, complete 100%
                Currently, Daily rewards per map in a month is equal to:
                2 T5B, 150k Gold, 33,375 battlechips.

                After this "small" change we will get:
                6,000 T5B fragments, 40k of gold, 8,000 battlechips (even less gold)
                Thinking about that 7-stars start becoming the definitive meta, they should release more meta resources, instead of reducing them.

              • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 7,405 Guardian

                At this point I'm quite disappointed, currently my alliance and I play on map 5, all 5 days, complete 100%
                Currently, Daily rewards per map in a month is equal to:
                2 T5B, 150k Gold, 33,375 battlechips.

                After this "small" change we will get:
                6,000 T5B fragments, 40k of gold, 8,000 battlechips (even less gold)
                Thinking about that 7-stars start becoming the definitive meta, they should release more meta resources, instead of reducing them.

                You get triple the rewards to compensate not getting all 3 separately which is a huge plus to smaller alliances where they can get more from map rewards when they can only run 1-2 BGs
              • D3ZTRUCTION22D3ZTRUCTION22 Member Posts: 5
                Pikolu said:

                At this point I'm quite disappointed, currently my alliance and I play on map 5, all 5 days, complete 100%
                Currently, Daily rewards per map in a month is equal to:
                2 T5B, 150k Gold, 33,375 battlechips.

                After this "small" change we will get:
                6,000 T5B fragments, 40k of gold, 8,000 battlechips (even less gold)
                Thinking about that 7-stars start becoming the definitive meta, they should release more meta resources, instead of reducing them.

                You get triple the rewards to compensate not getting all 3 separately which is a huge plus to smaller alliances where they can get more from map rewards when they can only run 1-2 BGs
                It's the opposite buddy, currently we receive triple awards and when the update arrives only individual ones, it's like a nerf
              • D3ZTRUCTION22D3ZTRUCTION22 Member Posts: 5
                Pikolu said:

                Pikolu said:

                At this point I'm quite disappointed, currently my alliance and I play on map 5, all 5 days, complete 100%
                Currently, Daily rewards per map in a month is equal to:
                2 T5B, 150k Gold, 33,375 battlechips.

                After this "small" change we will get:
                6,000 T5B fragments, 40k of gold, 8,000 battlechips (even less gold)
                Thinking about that 7-stars start becoming the definitive meta, they should release more meta resources, instead of reducing them.

                You get triple the rewards to compensate not getting all 3 separately which is a huge plus to smaller alliances where they can get more from map rewards when they can only run 1-2 BGs
                It's the opposite buddy, currently we receive triple awards and when the update arrives only individual ones, it's like a nerf
                I know, reading is hard

                oh you're right, I was so upset I should have skipped that part 😂
              • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,531 ★★★★★
                Are the epic and eternal mods suppose to be the same? @kabam Jax
              • GruesomeHeroesGruesomeHeroes Member Posts: 42
                what does variation 1, 2 & 3 mean for mini-boss?
                some say variation 2 & 3 some say variation 1 & 2.
              • DukenpukeDukenpuke Member Posts: 658 ★★★

                what does variation 1, 2 & 3 mean for mini-boss?
                some say variation 2 & 3 some say variation 1 & 2.

                There's 3 map variants for each of the maps (most easily identified by the mini-boss). They're changing 2 of the minis on each map below 8, but leaving one the same.
              • Darkknight_94Darkknight_94 Member Posts: 459 ★★★
                So will we get rewards after completing all 4 days or after 7th day?? Anyone if know?
              • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 7,405 Guardian

                So will we get rewards after completing all 4 days or after 7th day?? Anyone if know?

                7th day is when your end of AQ rewards come. I think (can't confirm) map rewards are given out the day you finish the map in AQ, but I could be wrong.
              • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,913 ★★★★★

                So will we get rewards after completing all 4 days or after 7th day?? Anyone if know?

                Rank rewards and glory would need to come after day 7 since it’s based on total score and not everyone’s would be known until then
              • Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 338 ★★★

                Are the epic and eternal mods suppose to be the same? @kabam Jax

                I'm pretty sure that's a mistake
              • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
                Pikolu said:

                TyEdge said:

                Lemme get this straight. The calendar is about to flip to 2024. 7-star r3 champs are coming to the contest. And if I finish ranked 151 in the whole battlerealm in AQ, I get 5% of a t6b and t3a and no t6cc?

                Look at the difference between rank 251 and rank 1200. It’s 200 glory and scraps of lower catalysts. Where is the incentive to progress or try harder maps?

                There is t6cc in the top 150 though...
                Top150 alliances is 4,5k players.
                Don't you think more than that number are in the use/need of t6cc?
                Ranked rewards are not appropriate for the majority of well developed accounts.
                7*s r3 will be the the chase in few days, and Kabam gives the updated rewards of 25% t6cc or 8,33% of the t6cc needed to r5 a 6*, and that's if you are in an ally that places TOP 20!
                Rewards aren't just already outdated, they are completely irrelevant.
                You think these rewards will convince my ally members to not drop AQ at all?
                Because as an officer I'm doing my best to convince them to keep playing, but these "rewards" aren't helping at all 🙁
              • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
                Amms90 said:

                Are the epic and eternal mods suppose to be the same? @kabam Jax

                I'm pretty sure that's a mistake
                They also listed Clean Slate - 1 in both Master and Epic (and in Map 7 called Mini Boss Variant 2 Titana instead of Titania).
              • _Rick87__Rick87_ Member Posts: 36
                Will champions still be locked in AQ or will be like AW?
              • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 4,781 ★★★★★

                Are the epic and eternal mods suppose to be the same? @kabam Jax

                That's what I made out of the 'changes' tab.

              • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★
                Aq has been lagging behind all areas of game on rewards except arena. And still is
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