Arcade Games - Alliance War After Action Report

Come one, COME ALL, and be commended for the show you have put on. All those watching from the stands (and multiversal screens) surely wished they were in your battle-worn shoes! The Arcade Games must be closed, but before it departs, you’re probably wondering who the Battlerealms Elite Warring Factions have been using to deal with the challenges Arcade designed? Well, you devils have been a wonderful audience, and we hate leaving you in suspense, so let us reveal it to you…

A fine cast of Champions you all have chosen. Were they the right Champions for these devious games? Who knows? Perhaps time will tell! Until next time, Summoners!

A fine cast of Champions you all have chosen. Were they the right Champions for these devious games? Who knows? Perhaps time will tell! Until next time, Summoners!