Potential bug on Hood boss for upcoming raids?

So I was setting up raids related admin stuff for my alliance today, and when I was previewing the map I noticed that with Hood's PI and health values that there was something off. Prowler and Invisible woman all have different P.I and a different amount of health depending on whether they're the 1st, 2nd or 3rd boss. They all have 170-220k pi and about 170k+ health. Professor X has similar ish values. Hood is a total outlier here. First of all he has 3.23m P.I which is crazy but the big issue im seeing here is that his healthpool is 18,717,510 as opposed to having over 150m health as raid bosses normally do. I'm just flagging this as this makes hood considerably more frail than all the rest. Like the 12% damage cap will still persist but hitting it will require nowhere near as much time or effort. Since the map previews have been basically 100% accurate in terms of health values, placement and everything else I'm just posting this in case it's not working as intended. I may end up being completely wrong and it will update when raids start tomorrow, but I thought I'd just draw attention to this just in case.
I've tagged images of all 3 of hoods placements on the raid map, as you can see the health and p.i is consistent for all 3 and the health is considerably less
I've tagged images of all 3 of hoods placements on the raid map, as you can see the health and p.i is consistent for all 3 and the health is considerably less