Crystal Opening Realm Event Rewards Missing?



  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian

    I put in the points I could was at work when event finished. I feel like I have lost out on Brian's act of kindness. @kabamcrashed @KabamDORK does your comment mean there is hope for those of us who didnt get a chance to claim?

    Dorky said:

    Alright thanks everyone. I will let the team know it is still not working.

    So I don't get off til 5pm pst. Does this mean I don't get rewards as well? @KabamDORK
    I'm certain the intent was for everyone to have a chance to claim the rewards, and Kabam is working to either make them claimable or shoot them to everyone's stash. The egg thing was a spur of the moment idea, and the ramifications of revoking it before computing rank rewards probably caused a glitch with the milestone rewards. That was certainly not intended, and people are not going to be required to claim them during a tiny sliver of a window of time. Don't worry about it, and let the devs fix the glitch.
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,832 ★★★★★
    kvirr said:

    If you didn’t log in before 2pm today, and after 12pm, then you didn’t get the rewards, they are gone now.

    I’m wrong again lol sorry guys
  • DorkyDorky Member Posts: 358
    DNA3000 said:

    I put in the points I could was at work when event finished. I feel like I have lost out on Brian's act of kindness. @kabamcrashed @KabamDORK does your comment mean there is hope for those of us who didnt get a chance to claim?

    Dorky said:

    Alright thanks everyone. I will let the team know it is still not working.

    So I don't get off til 5pm pst. Does this mean I don't get rewards as well? @KabamDORK
    I'm certain the intent was for everyone to have a chance to claim the rewards, and Kabam is working to either make them claimable or shoot them to everyone's stash. The egg thing was a spur of the moment idea, and the ramifications of revoking it before computing rank rewards probably caused a glitch with the milestone rewards. That was certainly not intended, and people are not going to be required to claim them during a tiny sliver of a window of time. Don't worry about it, and let the devs fix the glitch.

    Thanks for that response. If I don't see anything after 5pm. I'm submitting a ticket lol
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,417 ★★★
    Not working for me either
  • KabamDORKKabamDORK Administrator Posts: 155

    I put in the points I could was at work when event finished. I feel like I have lost out on Brian's act of kindness. @kabamcrashed @KabamDORK does your comment mean there is hope for those of us who didnt get a chance to claim?

    Looking into it at the moment, but don't have an update yet. Will let you know when I have more to share.
  • Coach_G1Coach_G1 Member Posts: 58
    He shouldnt have opened the eggs…
  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★
    Just adding a data point. I just logged in for the first time since this morning (3:30ish PM EST) and my milestones are all still showing incomplete and there is nothing in my stash. The game did make me update before it opened.

  • Keenmonkey_5Keenmonkey_5 Member Posts: 36

    Just adding a data point. I just logged in for the first time since this morning (3:30ish PM EST) and my milestones are all still showing incomplete and there is nothing in my stash. The game did make me update before it opened.

    Same here
  • AdamtazAdamtaz Member Posts: 35

    It shows nothing to claim is this because of the hot fix update
  • BenjaSDBenjaSD Member Posts: 38
    I see the points now, but I can't claim any rewards

  • JVoorheesJVoorhees Member Posts: 53

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    BenjaSD said:

    I see the points now, but I can't claim any rewards

    Kabam is aware and is working on potential solutions.

    The plan is still for everyone to get the rewards they qualified for. The problem is that, as Brian prophesized, the eggs broke the universe. And now Kabam has to put Humpty Dumpty back together again for rewards to start working properly.
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  • DahMastahDahMastah Member Posts: 31
    It says calculating results for me but now shows the milestones were reached, interesting
  • ChikiChiki Member Posts: 23

    Alright thanks everyone. I will let the team know it is still not working.

    Ok now I see all milestones were achieved but still can't claim.them

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    tmnt45 said:

    So this means Everyone will get to claim the rewards eventually right cuz if not that’s messed up

    That is what I have been told. Of course, I presume you still have to have qualified for them by opening enough crystals to unlock the relevant milestones, but other than that everyone was supposed to be able to, and Kabam is working to try to get them to everyone in some manner as we speak.
  • AdamtazAdamtaz Member Posts: 35
    All available now thank you kabam
  • DUHveedDUHveed Member Posts: 360 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Mikes_mom said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Mikes_mom said:

    We may have identified the issue. Please restart your game and try again.

    What insightful input. I would never think of doing that.
    Did you think to do that immediately after they applied a potential fix for the issue? How very clairvoyant of you. Mike must be so proud.
    Have they say restart "after the potential fix" or just restart the game, smart pants.
    If Crashed says "we think we found the problem restart your client" I assume he means they might have fixed the problem, but to see the fix requires your game client to resync with the servers and the easiest way to do that is with a restart, and he would only say that *after* they applied the potential fix, not *before* they applied the potential fix, because otherwise that would be assuming he's a moron.

    Crashed would also not say "restart your game client after we fix the problem" because there would be no way to know when they did that, and once again only a moron would say that.

    You're only a smarty pants because you know the devs will fix the problem either way. I've said some version of "I think I found the problem please restart/retry" a gazillion times in my career. If I got your response to that request, you'd find yourself at the very bottom of my pile of things to do. For the month.
    Restarting is a common IT thing after they roll out a potential fix with pretty much everything. It’s a verification of the fix actually was a fix

  • Chief_WiggumChief_Wiggum Member Posts: 175
    Just got mine... Seems to be fixed
  • BatarangBatarang Member Posts: 40
    Glad to see my thread blow up and Kabam being on it so quick. Enjoy your rewards!!!!
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,348 ★★★★★
    Mine don't seem to claimable.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,348 ★★★★★
    And just all the other times I'm wrong, i reopen the game and there they are.

  • ScondoScondo Member Posts: 4
    I was able to get mine at 1:44 PST
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    Both my alts that could not claim before now seem to be able to. You might need to restart client to see the claim buttons, but at first glance things seem to be working now.

    Shout out if you a) opened enough crystals to unlock the milestones and b) do not see claim buttons for the higher milestones and c) restarted game client after force close to resync client with servers.
  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★
    Got mine, thanks for fixing it and thanks to Brian.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    FYI since there is a ton of players that need to get rewards, it is possible that the fix is still propagating to everyone. So while many now have the ability to claim, it is possible some may still be in the queue to get fixed. Hopefully it should be fixed for everyone soon though.
  • e_mace_mac Member Posts: 106
    So I logged in earlier, claimed the rewards, opened the exalted crystal,but now all the other rewards are gone.
    I have claimed them but they're not in my stash nor the shards added up. I'm glad i opened the exalted crystal right away otherwise that would have been gone too.

    What's going on? I have restarted the game several times and my rewards sgill don't show up.
  • AgnasAgnas Member Posts: 2
    I didn't get the rewards either and still see the same (incomplete) community score as before:

  • Mystic_ReaperMystic_Reaper Member Posts: 52
    Brian grant opened his eggs for the community yet if you aren’t able to get a fix you'll only send compensation to those who opened 1000+ crystals??
    You do realise a big chunk of the community didn’t get that many crystals to open.
    A lot of us don’t get the time to build that many crystals. We play this game as an escape from the real world stresses and might only get 10 mins a day to play.
    If you can’t get the fix done then compensate the community as a whole not just those that can afford the time or have the money to open that many crystals.
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