ALLIANCE RAIDS: Tuning changes for Round 2 of Glorious Games

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 629
edited October 2024 in News & Announcements
Greetings Summoners!

Game Team here coming at you again with tuning changes for round 2 of the Glorious Games Alliance RAIDs. As we roll into another bout with those pesky Miss Bosses, we wanted to help even out the Boss difficulty as some of the Champions in the pool were performing lower than normal, specifically against Invisible Woman. Yeah, we heard you loud and clear, and with that, the following tuning changes have been made.

Invisible Woman:

  • Damage protection while her Shield is up has been reduced from 90% -> 50%
    • This should greatly help Champions who rely on the boosts that do a burst of hit damage. Previously, they were getting hit double by the damage resist as it was lowering their hit damage, which the burst is based on. This should help boosts like Unparalleled Buffs chew through her Shield.
  • Shield Max Health Percentage reduced from 2% -> 1.5%
    • Paired with the above change, we didn’t want to lower her shield too much as it should be much easier to do meaningful damage to her actual Health bar instead of just her Shield.
That’s all, short and sweet! As usual, we’ll be keeping a close eye on RAIDs and will be chasing changes as we see them needed. So keep that feedback coming!
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