Game Crushed after I selected AQ team and now I cannot join



  • TheBaldAvengerTheBaldAvenger Member Posts: 267 ★★
    I believe this is an Apple only issue and everyone playing with an apple device must receive compensation immediately and as number 1 priority
  • Rdnck1Rdnck1 Member Posts: 11
    Having the same problem. Started AQ, joined immediately and got locked out been locked out for now 19hrs, support ticket sent in about 17hrs ago and still no response. Bg is failing miserably cause of it. Need some answers. And I am on an iPhone 7+
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    Are there any mods working today?
  • TensioTensio Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2017
    @Kabam Miike only 7 hours to finish this aq and our member @ivylab still can not join.
    Please solution!!!
  • DekuxscrubDekuxscrub Member Posts: 5
    Bump im trying to join up :/
  • thekidm8thekidm8 Member Posts: 12
    Draco2199 wrote: »
    Are there any mods working today?

    Yeah they are working all right, working on shutting down anyone with questions concerning their bugs recently. Im surprised this post hasnt been deleted yet
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    @Ad0ra_ @Kabam Spice @Kabam Wolf Can someone please respond already? Our AQ is going to be screwed.
  • DanielRandDanielRand Member Posts: 501 ★★★★
    I'm seeing mods commenting on and closing other threads and this is being ignored. Not right to overlook something that affects an entire alliance. Please address.
  • TensioTensio Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2017
    Totally ignored @DanielRand its incredible
    We are gonna lose 4 millions points this aq .... >:)
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Same thing with one of my heavy hitters. Locked out. His champs are locked. Shows him knocked out but no champs showing.
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    Oh well screwed again lol.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Alright guys,

    I see that many of you have sent in Support Tickets (the right thing to do). This is not something that can be taken care of in a blanket way and must be done on a per account basis. I'm bumping all of your guys requests up right now, and will make sure that this whole situation is looked at again.
  • JoelovbJoelovb Member Posts: 6
    Thanks @Kabam Miike . Much appreciated.
  • DanielRandDanielRand Member Posts: 501 ★★★★
    Thanks Miike. That's all we're looking for.
  • JoelovbJoelovb Member Posts: 6
    @Kabam Miike: Here's the response I got from your support team and my response below that. I know you're pretty tied up with all sorts of fires to put out, but I trust you understand how this can be a bit frustrating. Again, any help on your end would be greatly appreciated.


    On Jun 6, 2017, at 8:50 PM, Kabam Support <> wrote:


    Thank you for contacting Kabam Support. I understand that you have issues in joining Alliance quest. I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you.

    I took a look into your issue and I am glad to inform you that I was able to refresh your champions availability. You may restart the app right now and join the AQ.

    We appreciate your patience and cooperation, should you have further questions then please feel free to contact us. Have a good rest of your day.

    Best regards,

    Commander Fission
    Kabam Support


    My response:
    No no no. While it may seem that you've fixed the issue the true result is that AQ refreshed on its own and now I'm able to join. I appreciate you looking into this but honestly you really didn't do anything other than wait for the time to run out (I literally saw the time ticking down).

    The fact remains that I was locked out of AQ for 24 hours without being able to move forward.

    Please escalate this to a manager.

    Thank you

  • mrmac04mrmac04 Member Posts: 20
    I was told to force close and restart the app, as if I didn't try that multiple times already... Seriously? My BG had to run Day4 with 9 guys and I couldn't even enter AQ to be a energy "walker" or spectate my BG to provide guidance or rearrange routes, and as Leader I felt absolutely worthless! So to get an obviously generic, unhelpful, significantly delayed response is just infuriating. It also didn't help that the response came almost 22hrs later... Uncool!!!
  • JoelovbJoelovb Member Posts: 6
    @Kabam Miike : here's the last update I received. While the email is very professionally worded, I honestly think it's an unfair response from your support team.

    Greetings Joelovb,

    Thank you for taking the time to write in!
    We sincerely apologize for the delay in responding to your first ticket. We have received an increase in tickets from the past couple of days and have been working diligently to resolve and respond to all tickets in the order received.

    I was able to confirm in our system that my colleague did indeed remove your active team which released your active Alliance Quest team. I am glad to hear that your issue has been resolved though and you can now join Alliance Quest Events. We apologize for any inconvenience or trouble this has caused you or your Alliance.

    With that being said, we understand you are requesting to have your ticket escalated to a manager. Unfortunately, we will not be able to grant your request as your issue has been resolved.
    While I am truly sorry that you were unable to join Alliance Quests, I am unfortunately not able to provide any compensation on an individual basis. I kindly ask for your understanding regarding this decision since this could feel unfair to other players who are experiencing similar game performance issues.

    If you have any other problems or concerns, please submit a new support request, and we'll be happy to help you.

    Kind regards,

    Kabam Support


    My response:


    Thank you for your kind apologetic words. I do appreciate your empathy. I too understand that you're in a tight spot with all the tickets that came in the last couple of days; evidently something was wrong and it was out of the user's control. You have to understand that volume of tickets on your end is absolutely not my problem. While it is a valid excuse, it's still an irrelevant one.

    I will ask you too look at one more thing: you said that my champions were released and that I was able to rejoin AQ again. How long were the locked for? How much time did I have after they were released? And was that enough time to contribute anything to my alliance before the 24 hour clock ran out? 29 other alliance members got affected for something that I did NOT do. This was a problem on your end and it demanded your attention a little faster.

    A reasonable solution would have been if your team would have released my champs with a fair amount of time still left. But that did not happen. Here's the timeline (Eastern Time): I submitted a ticket around 8:55pm(June 5) with an explanation and a screenshot. I got my first response at around 4:34pm(June 6) asking me to restart the app to see if it fixes the problem and to send screenshots if the problem persisted. I am sorry but that first email is a complete insult to this community and was a complete waste of time. Champs could've been released then even though it was roughly 19.5 hours after I submitted my initial ticket. I get another response at 8:50pm (June 6) saying my champs have been released. By this time, the clock had ran out and a new one had started.

    Once again, please escalate.

    Thank you,


    Sent from my iPad
  • JoelovbJoelovb Member Posts: 6
    Wonder why the community implodes. Shame on you. Last response from Kabam:

    Hey there,

    Thank you for getting back in touch with us! I sincerely apologize for the frustration it caused you regarding this matter.

    I completely understand that you are requesting to have your ticket escalated to our manager. I just want to inform you that we will not be able to grant your request as your issue has been resolved. We humbly seek for your understanding regarding this decision since this could feel unfair to other players who are experiencing similar game performance issues.

    If you have further questions then please feel free to contact us.Thank you, and I hope you have a good rest of your day.

    Kind regards;

    astounding defender
    Kabam support
  • JoelovbJoelovb Member Posts: 6
    Keep getting bounced from one support specialist to another... I know KABAM wants us to go through the support process but most of the times it's a dead end.

    One last shout @Kabam Miike ... to summarize the issue: I was locked out of AQ. I put in a support ticket immediately. My champs finally got released the next day 30 minutes after AQ had finished; I have proof! I've requested this issue to be escalated a number of times but support keeps saying they can't. No compensation, no escalation.
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