Game Crushed after I selected AQ team and now I cannot join

INTEGRALINTEGRAL Member Posts: 957 ★★★
Now I can see only SPECTATE and it writes

You are only allowed to participate in one Alliance Quest at a time.

I cannot see myself in my battle group


  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Great... More issues... This past 7 days has really been a nightmare. We are getting close to the end here.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Here are some links to troubleshooting android and ios
  • JctheholyJctheholy Member Posts: 2
    I joined when AQ first opened today and then I couldn't see my champs and now I can no longer join the map
  • JctheholyJctheholy Member Posts: 2
    @Kabam Miike please help me, you're my only hope
  • Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Member Posts: 856 ★★★★
    edited June 2017
    How is this possible It shows him knocked out with full health and says he can't join bg because he's in another bg
  • JoelovbJoelovb Member Posts: 6
    I just experienced the same issue and have screenshots. Emailed Kabam and put in a support ticket... hopefully something gets resolved soon since AQ has a timer. :(
  • thekidm8thekidm8 Member Posts: 12
    Somebody in my alliance just experienced the same issue ^
  • NinexblueNinexblue Member Posts: 31
    What's going on? We have one member who can only spectate because it says he can only join one AQ at a time.
    Any updates?

    IGN: Christ on acid
  • CrimsonTiderCrimsonTider Member Posts: 1
    I have experienced the same thing and already sent in a ticket. This all happened ehile trying to place my defense during the game crash issues earlier. My defense is now locked out of quests/AQ/AW attack and yet do not show up on our defense.

    Advantage other team.
  • DekuxscrubDekuxscrub Member Posts: 5
    Same happened to me. I sent in a ticket and am still waiting for response. I am locked out of aw but it says my champs are in war. Please help. Thank youj74tzu8qx5ay.png
  • NinexblueNinexblue Member Posts: 31
    Can we get an update? 2/10 in our BG can't join and we are stuck.

    IGN: Christ on Acid
    Ticket #: 04357720

  • mrmac04mrmac04 Member Posts: 20
    The exact same issue occurred once I started AQ for my Alliance! Clicked start, joined my BG, selected the same AQ team as always, now I'm KOed showing no one on my team and can't continue or spectate my BG at all... Sent a ticket in immediately and no word yet! Day4 needs all hands on deck especially with the 4hr delayed start time thanks to the Day1 debacle... @Kabam Miike what can be done about this? My BG needs me 3hrs ago!!!
  • NinexblueNinexblue Member Posts: 31
    Still no reply to either of the tickets regarding AQ glitches from support. One of our members can only spectate, the other shows he has zero champs in the quest.

    We need some action here.
  • IvylabIvylab Member Posts: 9
    Miike, I am still one of those that have this. I have sent a ticket to support hours ago but still haven't received a reply. I have logged out and logged in numerous times last night and this morning but no has changed. I can only spectate.
  • Kainus29Kainus29 Member Posts: 3
    A member in my group have the same problem, still waiting a response from support, they should probably reset these member and let they join again. this would probably solve the issue. @Kabam Miike
  • FlazinatorFlazinator Member Posts: 126
    We have a guy in our battle group as well who can't join. This needs to be fixed asap or some alliances won't be unable to finish the map.
  • Mousewith9livesMousewith9lives Member Posts: 4
    What do I do now?
  • Work243Work243 Member Posts: 1
    @Kabam Miike Miike. I'm having the same issue. I have open up ticket last night. ticket number is 04357730.

  • IvylabIvylab Member Posts: 9
  • IvylabIvylab Member Posts: 9
    Ivylab wrote: »
    This is still the same no matter how many times I have logged out and restarted. I have no update since I have sent the ticket @Kabam Miike
  • DekuxscrubDekuxscrub Member Posts: 5
    Its been 13 hours since i sent my ticket in :(
  • spumingtonspumington Member Posts: 350 ★★
    INTEGRAL wrote: »
    Hey Integral,

    Please send a ticket to our Support Team and let them know the problem that you are having. They can take care of this for you.

    I dont think it will work. Everytime I sent them tickets, they asked me stupid questions even tho I explained everything super clearly. Once they asked me the exact time. How could I know? Nevermind, I will never spend a coin for this game

    I agree with Integral.
  • IvylabIvylab Member Posts: 9
    Miike, could please update us on what is going on please as myself and others on this thread cannot help our respective alliances in AQ which may consequently lose out on important rewards. Up to this point I have yet to receive any response from the support team since I sent a ticket to them just over 14 hours ago.
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike need someone over to help this fine gentleman @Ivylab out. Up to this point I have yet to receive any response from the support team since I sent a ticket to them just over 14 hours ago.
  • TheBaldAvengerTheBaldAvenger Member Posts: 257 ★★
    I believe this is an Apple only issue and everyone playing with an apple device must receive compensation immediately and as number 1 priority
  • Rdnck1Rdnck1 Member Posts: 11
    Having the same problem. Started AQ, joined immediately and got locked out been locked out for now 19hrs, support ticket sent in about 17hrs ago and still no response. Bg is failing miserably cause of it. Need some answers. And I am on an iPhone 7+
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    Are there any mods working today?
  • TensioTensio Member Posts: 180
    edited June 2017
    @Kabam Miike only 7 hours to finish this aq and our member @ivylab still can not join.
    Please solution!!!
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