Why is immunity mini boss Medusa immune to Magik sp1 nullify?
Nullify is not a debuff. I fought Medusa on this node (far right mini boss) many times and every time I use sp1 with my Magik to nullify one of the furies, I see "immune"
Not off the top of my head. I'll ask the team about this.
But his power drain work against that sub boss
Looked into this with the team. Turns out that this is a bug with Magik's Sp1. Her Nullify is contingent on the bonus damage that she deals when triggering it, which is currently performing as a Debuff. We're working on a fix right now.
Thank you for bringing this up!
As @Kenny292 said, there is probably a bug with voodoo as well. Vision is able to power drain in that node but voodoo can't (on sp2 even combo, of course)
Answer no, so most likely not fixed.
Hi all!
Just wanted to let you all know that this fix is now live.
I think they already fixed that in earlier patches !! didn't they?