Please consider occasional rank down tickets

Over time, rosters evolve as people acquire new champs and change masteries and preferences and play styles shift. It would be great to have a way to tweak rosters by ranking down characters on occasion. Perhaps one 3*, 4*, 5* rank down ticket per event quest? Or even if we could pay units to re-spec? Especially with the shift to 5*, people's rosters will shift and it would be great to reallocate resources we've already earned. This might also encourage more experimentation with champs and a more diverse gameplay experience. (Lots of people did creative ranking and testing during the 12.0 debacle!)
Also, its high time that 100% of master mode provided one t4cc crystal
Also, its high time that 100% of master mode provided one t4cc crystal
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Are saying no to THIS post also.
& dont let this die....
Kabam wont listen without a 1,000 agree's
Lets be honest meta changes quickly .
Unless you are a Starlord and used in every event .
U speak for good reason's & ppl who do that (the RICH)..... Which I understand.
BUT, I speak for those of us,
who DONT CARE about prestige &
struggle to find 5 champs able to complete some of the basic content (luckily, i finished act 4 JUST before major nerf, which lead to boycott & RDTs... but i cant complete same stuff now, without A TON of health & revives or) without buying an odin chest.(the POOR)
I just want 5 champs.
1 SOLID team.
But, THE GAME WAS SCREWY when we had RDTs....
I (like 10s of thousanda of ppl) have hundreds of real dollars & countless hours invested into what we have,
We all just want to use T4CCs to make our best 5 champ team.
Frankly, I'll end up quiting soon if I continue at current useless pace on 5 stars, so being able too bump them up if I ever get a duplicate will be essential.[/quote]
EXACTLY!!! in a game where every turn,
Its made MORE difficult for us
& requires MORE health, revives, & units for lackluster rewards...
You ARE LOOSING US daily.... a few in my alli have QUIT.... BECAUSE WE CANT PROGRESS.
I have lots of T4CCs tied up into many diff champs, when I really just need 1 strong champ in each class.
RDTs are FREEDOM & u wanna keep us shackled & unhappy like a slave, who dreams of escape .... WHY?
They don't need to be abundant just a possibility to gain an occasions.
Still too many champs broken. Until they fix stuff correctly we should get the option to rank the broken champs down.
But as we have stated many times before, there will not be any way that Rank Down Tickets will be added to the game in any permanent fashion. Choosing who you rank up and when is a very important part of the game, and it is up to you to decide on that.
Rank Down tickets are not for "changing your mind", it's for when a Champion no longer performs in the same way that they once did.
Closing this thread down now.