Alliance Wars Seasons Discussion Thread



  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    lerkdajerk wrote: »
    Omni wrote: »
    As a leader of an alliance that are maybe ranked around 500 I really hate this new rank rewards. As many already stated the drop of from ranking 300 to 301 is just to big. You are reimplementing the nightmare situation from previous situation where everything was about if you were or were not in a top 300 alliance.

    This has still an effect in AQ where many still are very focus on getting into top 300 in AQ even when the difference between 300 and 301 isn't so big.

    Please rethink this decision. Give out glory instead, so we can make the decision ourself what we want to use our rewards on. This would give more Glory, so all prices in the glory store should be adjusted downwards and introduce those t5b shards.


    I agree. Make 300 something to strive for but the drop off is a little high here

    Get in the top 300. Problem solved.

    So if you finish 301 you'll be happy?

    My ally will most likely be around 600 so 300 isnt achievable without making considerable moves.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    All you complaining about the rich getting richer, I have to disagree, at least this way they will have to earn it, if this will stop the shell alliances cheating mid range alliances out of our war rewards all the time. and if they want to spend for 2 months to get the those top rewards, that’s their issue.
    @DNA3000 I was more meaning at first when I saw these rewards we were discussing changing our alliance focus (we usually run just 2 war groups so this was going to be terrible for us) and that misleading graphic with all the different tiers of t5b shards and t2as, which are actually only for 1 alliance had us all excited.
    once we realised the great rewards are for top 300- something as a f2p player I’m not going to strive for we settled down and just decided we will take the nice bump in rewards but for us over 300s (it we keep running 2 bgs I don’t know if we will make gold 1 or even gold 2) it’s not going to be game changing recieving even the gold 1 rewards every few months, compared to the rewards we already receive from the rest of the game,
    t2a shards in gold 1 may have been something that would actually have made us strive harder for
  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 38
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    All you complaining about the rich getting richer, I have to disagree, at least this way they will have to earn it, if this will stop the shell alliances cheating mid range alliances out of our war rewards all the time.

    Depends if the 50,000 point bonus with winning is a flat 50k or if it is multiplied based on the tier. If you win every war from tier 4 to tier 1 and the 50k is multiplied for all those wins by x5, x6, x7, x8 shelling may make more since. I hope it’s a flat 50k bonus.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian
    LiquidButt wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    LiquidButt wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Spurgeo14 wrote: »
    And the expanse grows further! The top 0.00001% are gonna get even fatter. I think, it must be boring for the guys on the top because they don't have anything to really push for anymore. Everything is easy for them and handed to them at this point. And for the mid-class guys there isn't really anything to push for because you can't really change the status quo with this system in place.

    Personally, I don't feel like I'm being left behind. I'm not a top tier player. I'm not a bottom tier player. But two years ago I was probably a 25% - 50% player. One year ago I was probably a 10% - 20% ish player. Today I'm probably a 5% - 10% ish player, depending on how you judge. I don't know who is trapped where they are, but I'm not one of them.

    PS: the top 0.00001% is approximately one person, rounded upward.

    It's called hyperbole. His point still stands...but a nice slow golf clap for you and your upwards climb

    Hyperbole is an exaggeration. 2+2=18 is not hyperbole, it is just wrong. And I would think a counter-example would be suitable counterpoint, but perhaps all the clapping drowned it out in your mind, what with all the echoing.

    So he wasnt exaggerating? El Oh EL... but keep putting those hours on the forums trying to beat Grounded Wisdoms post count. Are both of you unemployed and looking to work for Kabam? Or just single and alone and have nothing better to do then be keystone forum moderators?

    Are you feeling oppressed because someone decided to call out your condescension? I can assure you that I am not attempting to moderate your posts in any way. And if I wanted to beat someone's post count, I wouldn't make so many of them so long.

    I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not single and not unemployed and currently not looking for another job. And when I did contract game design work it was for the minimum possible stipend because I was just interested in making a useful contribution, the same reason I post here. This is not what I do for validation or compensation. This is a momentary break from significantly more complex tasks.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    All you complaining about the rich getting richer, I have to disagree, at least this way they will have to earn it

    The more I think about the rewards at the top, and what the players at the top currently do just to be at the top, the more I think Kabam turned the top 100 into a blood sport. And I'm perfectly fine with the top of the top spending tons of money subsidizing the rest of the game to be honest. While the strongest competitors kill each other trying to snag the best weapons in the Hunger Games, I'm perfectly willing to walk away with the slingshot and the can of spam and watch the fireworks.
  • Swayam18Swayam18 Member Posts: 23
    @Kabam Miike My Alliance's Rating is 7.3Mil .
    So where will be placed in the bracket ?
    (Gold , Silver or Stone)? Plz , I want to know.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Swayam18 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike My Alliance's Rating is 7.3Mil .
    So where will be placed in the bracket ?
    (Gold , Silver or Stone)? Plz , I want to know.

    you won't know until you partake in the new blood sport
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Swayam18 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike My Alliance's Rating is 7.3Mil .
    So where will be placed in the bracket ?
    (Gold , Silver or Stone)? Plz , I want to know.

    Your war rating will not determine where you start, only your Multiplier. You can see where you stack up there in the Chart in the original post. Your bracket is determined by how many points you win during the Season.
  • Ironmark48Ironmark48 Member Posts: 20
    OK,i know this question is stupid but.....kabam or anybody,will you make Iron Man Mark 48 (infinity war)? And,i have an iddea of a new crystal,a "Skin crystal" this crystal can give you skins for the champions,like for an example a skin for Scarlet witch (in the mcu she has that red cape and everything)
  • CrackhorseCrackhorse Member Posts: 64

    It looks like we forgot to mention one very important thing in the original post! I've seen a number of you commenting that there is not enough progression materials in the Gold brackets. Well, if you look at the Rewards again, you'll notice that next to the Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals, there are some Black Crystals.

    These are Seasons Crystals. Seasons Crystals contain only Tier 2 Alpha Fragments and Tier 5 Basic Fragments, with a small chance to score an entire Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst!

    Thank you for clearing that up Mike. Those will make things better.

    I still think you should consider splitting up Gold1 into two tiers. Right now there are many alliances like mine who will have no chance of moving up or down, which takes much of the sport out of it.

    6 tiers for the top 300 and 1 tier for the next 1200 is a bit extreme.

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian

    It looks like we forgot to mention one very important thing in the original post! I've seen a number of you commenting that there is not enough progression materials in the Gold brackets. Well, if you look at the Rewards again, you'll notice that next to the Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals, there are some Black Crystals.

    These are Seasons Crystals. Seasons Crystals contain only Tier 2 Alpha Fragments and Tier 5 Basic Fragments, with a small chance to score an entire Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst!

    Ah. I was trying to figure out what those were: they vaguely looked like Ascendant crystals, but that didn't seem to be an appropriate reward for that tier. I was about to ask what those were. That makes the Gold tier a reasonable decay from the Platinum tier. If I had to guess, I'd guess that the base drop for those will be something in the vicinity of 360-750 T5B fragments or 2k-3k T2A fragments to make them consistent with a drop from Platinum 3. If so, that's worth trying to maintain Gold tier.
  • NoOnexRONoOnexRO Member Posts: 349 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike

    How hard it is to provide an answer??????????????????????????

    An alliance has 25 members but each time the war is opened with 1 battleground so only 10 members will participate. This will ensure the victories because those 10 members are the best from 25.
    What will happen at the end of the season with the 15 members that never fought?
    Will they receive rewards equal with those 10 who fought or how is the system set for them?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    NoOnexRO wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike

    How hard it is to provide an answer??????????????????????????

    An alliance has 25 members but each time the war is opened with 1 battleground so only 10 members will participate. This will ensure the victories because those 10 members are the best from 25.
    What will happen at the end of the season with the 15 members that never fought?
    Will they receive rewards equal with those 10 who fought or how is the system set for them?

    Sorry! I missed your question. As long as everybody in the Alliance has participated in 5 wars during a season (in that Alliance without leaving), they will get rewards.

    Keep in mind, you don't get nearly as many points for only running 1 Battlegroup, so you won't be able to climb as high on the leaderboards.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian
    Crackhorse wrote: »

    It looks like we forgot to mention one very important thing in the original post! I've seen a number of you commenting that there is not enough progression materials in the Gold brackets. Well, if you look at the Rewards again, you'll notice that next to the Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals, there are some Black Crystals.

    These are Seasons Crystals. Seasons Crystals contain only Tier 2 Alpha Fragments and Tier 5 Basic Fragments, with a small chance to score an entire Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst!

    Thank you for clearing that up Mike. Those will make things better.

    I still think you should consider splitting up Gold1 into two tiers. Right now there are many alliances like mine who will have no chance of moving up or down, which takes much of the sport out of it.

    6 tiers for the top 300 and 1 tier for the next 1200 is a bit extreme.

    I understand what you're saying, but the Gold 1 tier is only extreme looking from the top down. From the bottom up Gold 1 is entirely consistent with the rest of the tiers. From the bottom up the tiers are 3000 places wide until Silver 2, where they narrow to half that width - 1500 wide. That carries all the way up to Gold 1, where Gold 1 would have been 1-1500, except they carved out the top 300 places to make the platinum and master brackets.

    I'm not explicitly opposed to cutting Gold 1 in half (the logical break point would be at about 700) but I don't perceive a need to do it at the moment either. Its at least partially a question of how much competition there will be for those top 1500 spots. Right now it might be hard for someone in the middle of that gap to move up or down, but when seasons start that might change. Its hard to predict now.
  • Swayam18Swayam18 Member Posts: 23
    @Kabam Miike So is it according to tiers then multiplied ?
  • TheDemonTheDemon Member Posts: 159
    @Kabam Miike So war will be down until February 7th? Sorry, if you answered it already.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    It looks like we forgot to mention one very important thing in the original post! I've seen a number of you commenting that there is not enough progression materials in the Gold brackets. Well, if you look at the Rewards again, you'll notice that next to the Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals, there are some Black Crystals.

    These are Seasons Crystals. Seasons Crystals contain only Tier 2 Alpha Fragments and Tier 5 Basic Fragments, with a small chance to score an entire Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst!

    Awesome! I thought they were ascendant crystals and had just resigned myself to ISO from them. What sort of amounts of fragments are we talking for the alphas and basic cats? A couple thousand?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian

    It looks like we forgot to mention one very important thing in the original post! I've seen a number of you commenting that there is not enough progression materials in the Gold brackets. Well, if you look at the Rewards again, you'll notice that next to the Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals, there are some Black Crystals.

    These are Seasons Crystals. Seasons Crystals contain only Tier 2 Alpha Fragments and Tier 5 Basic Fragments, with a small chance to score an entire Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst!

    Awesome! I thought they were ascendant crystals and had just resigned myself to ISO from them. What sort of amounts of fragments are we talking for the alphas and basic cats? A couple thousand?

    Gold 1 gets six. So as a practical matter, the maximum amount of stuff you're likely to get from six of those crystals most of the time (apparently there is some RNG, because @Kabam Miike said it was possible to pull a fully formed T2A) should be less than what you get from Platinum 3. So if the black crystal drops both T5B and T2A fragments, on average you should get less than 750 T5B and 3000 T2A per crystal. If the black crystal drops either one or the other, you could conceivably get a little more of one and none of the other most of the time.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Swayam18 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike My Alliance's Rating is 7.3Mil .
    So where will be placed in the bracket ?
    (Gold , Silver or Stone)? Plz , I want to know.

    Your war rating will not determine where you start, only your Multiplier. You can see where you stack up there in the Chart in the original post. Your bracket is determined by how many points you win during the Season.

    I'm not fully understanding this. I thought our current rating would determine where we started as far as the multipliers go. How are the multipliers set for week 1 ?
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »

    It looks like we forgot to mention one very important thing in the original post! I've seen a number of you commenting that there is not enough progression materials in the Gold brackets. Well, if you look at the Rewards again, you'll notice that next to the Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals, there are some Black Crystals.

    These are Seasons Crystals. Seasons Crystals contain only Tier 2 Alpha Fragments and Tier 5 Basic Fragments, with a small chance to score an entire Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst!

    Awesome! I thought they were ascendant crystals and had just resigned myself to ISO from them. What sort of amounts of fragments are we talking for the alphas and basic cats? A couple thousand?

    Gold 1 gets six. So as a practical matter, the maximum amount of stuff you're likely to get from six of those crystals most of the time (apparently there is some RNG, because @Kabam Miike said it was possible to pull a fully formed T2A) should be less than what you get from Platinum 3. So if the black crystal drops both T5B and T2A fragments, on average you should get less than 750 T5B and 3000 T2A per crystal. If the black crystal drops either one or the other, you could conceivably get a little more of one and none of the other most of the time.

    Appreciate the response but I wasn’t particularly looking for speculation or guesstimation. Was more looking for an answer from Miike. In any case, the amount is not limited by how much platinum tier gets outright, because platinum gets 10 crystals as well.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike , with this new point scoring system, will it be possible for an alliance in tier 9 to score more points for 100% clearing a map than an alliance in tier 3 who leaves one boss up ?

    I thought you guys had said that you never intended us to 100% every map, but now you implement a scoring system where you have to clear it every time just to stay at your current place.

    Has the math been thoroughly thought out so there isn't a situation where an alliance playing on easier maps can outscore an alliance playing on harder maps ? I would hate to see exploits let me with the zero defender fiasco with the first iteration of diversity wars.
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  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    NoOnexRO wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike

    How hard it is to provide an answer??????????????????????????

    An alliance has 25 members but each time the war is opened with 1 battleground so only 10 members will participate. This will ensure the victories because those 10 members are the best from 25.
    What will happen at the end of the season with the 15 members that never fought?
    Will they receive rewards equal with those 10 who fought or how is the system set for them?

    Sorry! I missed your question. As long as everybody in the Alliance has participated in 5 wars during a season (in that Alliance without leaving), they will get rewards.

    Keep in mind, you don't get nearly as many points for only running 1 Battlegroup, so you won't be able to climb as high on the leaderboards.

    So if an alliance had 30 players, dons 2 groups and then 10 players are left out. Say its a permanent thing, so 5 wars later the same 10 players have not done a war in the season, will this mean that no players in this ally will get and rewards?

    How hard is it to understand what has been said multiple times already? If you as an individual haven't fought in at least 5 wars when the season ends you don't get season rewards. Anyone who has does....... Not complicated, smh.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Sorry if that came off mean it just surprises me how poor reading comprehension is here sometimes.
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  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    People keep saying, "Rich getting richer". So what? Poor are getting richer too. What do I or anyone else not in a top alliance care if the top alliances have stuff we don't? No different than whining about Bill Gates having a holodeck in his house and about to get a second one. So what? You aren't competing at their level. You won't ever even see those top guys to play against, so why do you care? If it hurts your butt so much, work to get in a top alliance. Such a stupid thing to whine about. Sounding like greedy children, "I can only eat 1 slice of pizza, but my big brother gets 2. No Fair! We should both get what I get (for reasons) or we should both get 2 even though I can't eat it now"

    This ^^^
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    Any word on synergies still not working?
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