Leaked upcoming updates?

If you watched the video Kabam made for the changes to AW then you might have seen a little more than they wanted you to on their dev account.
At 2:10 into the video you can see the alliance page of that account and that someone found a 5* KP (AKA 5* arena).
Also, you might have seen that this account was not level capped at level 60.
At 2:10 into the video you can see the alliance page of that account and that someone found a 5* KP (AKA 5* arena).
Also, you might have seen that this account was not level capped at level 60.
@Kabam Miike
What bout the image saying someone found a 5* KP are we to believe 5* arena are coming sooner then we thought lol
Could just mean they added a 5* KP to the account for further testing after the account was created.
Exactly, it's a leak of stuff NOT in game.
Cough cough...
To be fair, he said not everything.
To be fair you just used that one line out of context.
It's called reading the subtleties.
I don't think it is, but ok lol. Just poking fun at miike. on to the next post forums warriors.
I knew that's what he meant the first time I read it, hence my own comment about a 5* Arena previously. They are only at liberty to reveal a certain amount of information at certain times, so they can't flat-out say X is coming and Y is further off, or scrapped for now. It's not their call to release info prematurely because there are other people that go into that decision, and things have a schedule. It was easy to deduce that the Arena was a good possibility because of recent changes. Besides that, it's not hard to see that the comment meant that some things are coming, and some aren't. You just won't get a direct comment like that because they are obligated to stay quiet by their job. Read between the lines, my friend.
You... lol.
I know they can't SAY it. I work for a tech company I know you don't give timelines, or announce things prematurely.
This entire thread was because they aren't paying attention to what they are leaking.