Why am not getting a reply from the support team?

As you probably already know, my account has been hacked and iv'e contacted the support team and it's been 5 days now and they have not done a thing yet. my account is in wrong hands and the hacker even changed my password as well as my in game name.
Please do not ignore and delete my post because this may not seem such a big deal for you guys but for me, this game was a good part of my life. i spent money on the game, hours of dedication, and even sacrificed some of my important stuff just to play the game. And now when my account is hacked, i get ignored. Please help me get my account back already. Thank you.
Please do not ignore and delete my post because this may not seem such a big deal for you guys but for me, this game was a good part of my life. i spent money on the game, hours of dedication, and even sacrificed some of my important stuff just to play the game. And now when my account is hacked, i get ignored. Please help me get my account back already. Thank you.
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