Spending money increase your odds of pulling featured champs?

Personally I've gone 0 for 7 on featured champs. 0 for 5 today on blade.... And have spent no money on the game... We all know seatin cleaned up today while BG got the shaft... Just saying... Thoughts?
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If it did, I would have a 5-star DV or Ghost Rider or Hyperion or Iceman by now, instead of duped Groots and She-Hulks
Some people are just lucky. They are. Sometimes you pull Medusa. The guy next to you pulls Hulkbuster.
Just life with RNG, man
1.5yr $11 - 1/4
1.5yr $0 - 1/3
1.5yr $1000++ - 1/1
Bloody hell you’ve cracked it! Solid proof right here with the huge sample of 3
With all the talk around issues with loot box style rewards, I imagine Kablam is somewhat feeling the pressure to do so? (hopefully)
If the OP is BS then why hasn't Kabam cured cancer? [hint: because they have nothing to do with each other]
The strongest logical argument against Kabam giving better drops to people who spend more money is that Kabam denies doing it. It has nothing to do with believing anything Kabam says. If the intent is to encourage people to spend money, Kabam would actually tell people spending more money gets you better drops. Actively discouraging people from believing that spending gets you better drops runs counter to the belief that Kabam is trying to encourage spending by giving spenders better drops. If that isn't convincing to someone, absolutely nothing will likely be convincing, because you then have to believe Kabam is implementing the most ludicrous form of psychological warfare against its players, telling them spending doesn't help and hoping no one believes them so they spend more for rewards Kabam denies they are giving out.
It is worth comparing this conspiracy theory to its converse cousin. There are people who believe that when Kabam wants to make more money they reduce the drop rate of crystals which then forces players to spend more money. At most, only one of these conspiracy theories can be true. They cannot both be true. But they can both be false.
If people still believe that manipulation is the only explanation for a delay in publishing odds, here's the nail in the coffin. One way a company can manipulate the odds of a lootbox is with pity timers: the longer you don't get a favorable drop, the higher the odds of a favorable drop become. In situations where companies that do this are required to disclose odds, they don't disclose the full mechanics of the pity timer, they simply disclose the base odds without it with a disclaimer. In other words, they say something like "at least 1% chance for elite drop." If Kabam was giving bonus odds to their top spenders, they could release odds in the same way: publish the base odds for the baseline player, and simply state that the odds are that good or better.
The short answer to why Kabam hasn't published odds outside of the in-game features they are claiming to be building is much simpler: they don't want to, and they don't have to. You don't need any more reason than that.
Now we know. Spend 1k and you have 100% chance to pull a featured. THANKS FOR THE INFO!!!