Iceman's Armor bug

in AW Iceman's ice armor is up, champion gets to SP3 and uses it. Ice armor is suppose to regulate it to 5%, come out of animation with a **** tone of damage taken. Anyone else having that happen?
i was not stunned ice armor icon was up and then sp3 animation started
You couldn’t be more wrong. Thanks for stopping by though.
Do you even own an Iceman dude?
If Iceman would lose more than 5% of his Max Health from a SINGLE SOURCE, his Ice Armor protects him from THE BLOW, reducing the health loss to 5%, then it shatters.
I'm not sure where you two are confused. Single source= 1 hit that can do 5% damage. In this case- specials. I used iceman a lot in 5.4. I saw what the armor did.
Than how do I take only 5% damage with Ice Armor active when hit by an S3
Against which opponent?
For the others who have experienced this, could you let me know what opponents you've experienced this with, as well as what mode you were in or node you were on? Thanks!
All of them
Situation is: I'm at high health (60%-95%) Ice Armor is active. I am not receiving hits. I have pushed the opponent to their SP3. I'm in the left side of the screen blocking (with Ice Armor active). Opponent is on the right side of the screen blocking. And....... my Ice Armor just randomly disappears and cool down timer starts. Of course it is then that they fire off their special.
My question is why would this happen?
Do you even Iceman? Dood... with every response you're just making it worse for yourself. Just stop. "Quoted from my 5/50 Iceman"... More like quoted from the champion description on the internet. Sure you're using him in 5.4. Of course, someone who uses Iceman a lot would pick 5.4 as an example and not AQ or AW... For the future reference just note that Iceman takes SP3 like a champ he is only losing 5% regardless if SP3 does 1 hit or 100 hits. In the case of this thread when he does take more damage it is a bug.
Tag Zibiit
Could be the same bug others are experiencing; but alternately is he inflicting Direct damage that bypasses Ice Armour? If you've pounded on him whilst his Reflective Armour was up?
That's a legitimate way around Ice Armour; like a Power Burn, or Loki's SP2 'subtracting' 7% health.