Lags and frame drop rates. No response to evade swipe.

Game is very laggy and frame drop rates have increased after the update. Sometimes, champ won’t respond to evade swipes. They just stand there holding block and eating heavy from the opponent. Happening on iPad Air 2 and iPhone 7. Both with latest software.
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@Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf
Since 12.0 it's been trash. Every mechanic has been ruined since then.
13.0 had the month long double evade bug and every mechanic since has been destroyed.
Summer 2017. Arena lag dexterity nerf unresponsiveness...
This latest update is even worse! Experienced unresponsive controls ~50 times since the release.
Champs just stand with block and dont evade at all when swiping back
Its annoying ****, i thought i was doing smething wrong,
Best example, fight agent venom and try evading his sp1 final 3 hits...they just many other fights too..just an example..
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious
This really is vwry annoying makes hard to play