Players are quitting all over the place. Hope Kabam is taking notice.



  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,603 ★★★★
    I think what will compound things and issues between alliance mates is AW. Being on top, there is a lot pressure not to die on a node and this will boil over in the upcoming months as season two gets into play. Plus, only a few people can have 2 R5 5* and it is limited to the top alliances who win AW and will now win AQ since it is prestige based with 2 R5 5*. So, the top will be very limited and you will see lots of fights. Just watch.... Kabam has created this atmosphere.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    Titan_A97 wrote: »
    Akhilxcx wrote: »
    Everyone is having these issues i don't get how you're so special for kabam that you don't face any issues all you do is just cringe why people are creating new threads its a forum everyone wants to say what they want why do you keep shutting then down @GroundedWisdom

    It's a Forum, yes. There are guidelines, as part of those guidelines involves checking to see if Threads are open on the subject, not spamming the Forum, and being constructive, among other things. No one said I don't experience problems. I just don't rant over and over about them across multiple Threads.

    Think of it this way:

    There are two babies. Both are equally as hungry as each other and both want to be fed. One baby is sitting in his cradle waiting patiently and quietly to be fed. The other one is crying out loud and throwing a tantrum. Which one would you tend to first?

    It's a no-brainer.

    Sometimes when you want a problem to be addressed or solved, you have to grab their attention by whatevers means necessary. If it takes shouting, then shout. If it takes 100 times to get their attention, do it a hundred times. Yeah it isn't pleasant to see the forums filled with 'spam' about 'quitters' and 'state of the game' posts, but who can blame them? People only cry because they care.

    Just remember that if nothing else.

    And if it bears any relevance, yes I do face some of the issues proposed here albeit very rarely.

    It doesn't get things heard any faster. It just makes more work for the Moderators who have no control over those issues. There are Threads allocated to specific issues. Those issues are communicated to the people they need to be. All it does is fill the Forum with Thread after Thread on the same problems. There is a reason they assign Threads to the same issues. It's easier to amalgamate and direct the feedback. Nothing gets heard any faster if people fill the Forum than it does if they say it in the already-opened Threads.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    Akhilxcx wrote: »
    Titan_A97 wrote: »
    Sometimes when you want a problem to be addressed or solved, you have to grab their attention by whatevers means necessary. If it takes shouting, then shout. If it takes 100 times to get their attention, do it a hundred times. Yeah it isn't pleasant to see the forums filled with 'spam' about 'quitters' and 'state of the game' posts, but who can blame them? People only cry because they care.

    Just remember that if nothing else.

    And if it bears any relevance, yes I do face some of the issues proposed here albeit very rarely.
    Whatever you say this grounded wisdom guy will always counters your point. I have seen multiple threads of him just shutting everyone down and nothing else so don't bother engaging in any spat with him else kabam mods will give you warning messages

    People are responsible for their own Warnings, just like I've been responsible for my share. For example, calling Members out specifically and making personal statements against people. Can't break the rules and wonder why we get in trouble.
  • TonedefTonedef Member Posts: 137
    My Alliance is in a free-fall. Seven have either quit or left for weaker/stronger Alliances and I’m on brink of hanging up my gloves too. We normally scored ~105m points doing map 5s but that dropped to 89.8m this week. Missed out on two Map 6 crystals because of the increased difficulty!
    If our Alliance has suffered this many losses I can safely assume many others are falling apart as well. We were tight, everyone preformed well enough, and besides our constant issues with bugs and poor crystal spins there wasn’t too much talk about quitting. This AQ downdate was the straw that crushed the camels back.
  • ChickenChicken Member Posts: 160
    He says he sick of people posting things in a non constructive way and that he’s sick of them complaining yet he comes into this thread that has to do with people talking about how lots of people are quitting it has nothing to do with people threating to quit yet you come in here and complain to everyone who posts something. how is that being constructive? You contradict yourself. @GroundedWisdom don’t come into this thread and complain about people complaining it takes away from the important stuff and now most of the thread has been drown in argument because of you.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    We're talking about people quitting, not the experience of a lower level versus a higher level. The whole reason the subject came up is because it's a go-to whenever I have points people don't agree with. When all else fails, pull rank. It has nothing to do with what level someone is at. You don't need to be at the top to understand what people are going through. There are pages upon pages of feedback. For that matter, someone can understand the entire system and never play the game. All they need is the knowledge and a good capacity for comprehension.

    Lol oh boy this needs some help
    1. We’re talking about the experience level of people quitting - experience does matter. We’re not talking about level 30 accounts who are quitting because they don’t like the game anymore.
    2. If you dedicate a part-time job’s worth of hours posting on this forum everyday, you’re going to have some backlash or digs on you. There’s no way around that. But it seems anytime someone directly replies to your post, you treat it like you are a victim of cyberbullying (PS if you spent half the time on this forum instead playing the game people wouldn’t be treating you this way)
    3. You could read pages and pages of this forum and never truly understand the game at a high-level unless you have played it. This forum is not an academic journal. If you’re basing all your “high-level” knowledge of this game from what you read on this forum, no wonder people who do the play the game at a high-level can see you don’t know jack **** lol. Sorry that is just the truth.

    Thanks and look forward to your reply.

    There is nothing to reply. You keep trying to come up with passive-aggressive justifications to keep calling me out for where I'm at in the game, and it's a load of ****.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    DaMunk wrote: »
    Honestly I can't post what I want to reply here. Trees aren't as dense as that guy. As mentioned before people are complaining because it's actually happening and we care about the state of the game. Nobody is making stuff up, people are leaving. Our alliance leader basically said she can't stand to look at the game she once loved because of how it is now.
    But I've learned a new trick. If I'm ever in a job interview that I'm clearly not qualified for I'll just demand that I am. Not only am I qualified but the interviewer is wrong because she's"mean" I've clearly had a job before so therefore I know everything about other jobs. Then I'll play the victim because it works right?

    Someone only plays the victim if they're not actually being targeted. Had it been the first time that was attempted, that might have merit. When people use it as some sort of leeway when it has nothing to do with the discussion, it's pretty apparent what the intention is, regardless of how it is worked into the conversation. What Tier or Rank I'm in ha SFA to do with what we were talking about. Doesn't really matter how people make excuses for working it into the conversation.
    I didn't say all claims of quitting were idle threats. I said we see it just about every day here. That's pretty much all we've heard with any major change. Certainly since the AQ changes. If there's a constructive purpose to it, I'm all ears. Otherwise it's just a continuation of a discussion that's already open. What's the solution? There is none. People will quit of their own volition.
  • TonedefTonedef Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2018
    Quit posting! No one’s gonna read my sob-story if this page get filled up with useless drivel. 🤪
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    The trouble with compounding issues is it becomes less and less reasonable to resolve. AQ they have control over. Bugs they don't, outside of what they're trying to do. If there was an easy fix, or if they could fix them under duress, we wouldn't have them. I'm not really considering the Energy subject a major issue, with all due respect. It varies from month to month. The real source of that complaint is the easy Points for Completion, and there are still ways to accumulate Points with less Energy. There are issues, sure. When you start adding them up in your mind, it overwhelms anyone. The problem is, they can't be addressed in one fell swoop. People will either play, or not.

    I want some of what this guy’s smoking...
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