A Sincere Discussion Concerning Alliance Wars

This is going to be a long post, but one I believe that is extremely important to the entire community. If your alliance participates in Alliance Wars (AW) at all, this issue concerns you. However before I begin please afford me a few important disclaimers:

1) I have a long technical history in the gaming world of nearly 18 years. I work in the legal field and I have represented gaming companies in various types and stages of litigation. Simply put, I do consider myself educated in the areas that I will soon discuss.

2) This is not a recent issue. This problem has continued to plague the game with no discernible response from Kabam.

3) Regardless of your current tier level in AW, rest assured, this issue absolutely affects you even if your alliance hasn’t come across this issue yet.

The Problem: There continues to be alliances that are breaking the rules in order to gain unfair advantages that give them guaranteed wins in AW.

The moderators often immediately close threads like this and tell us to report this to them. For 9 months my alliance as well as 20+ others has done exactly that to no avail. We have patiently complied with Kabam’s rule structure of reporting and we have submitted countless screenshots of indisputable evidence again to no avail.

FACT: A 7 million rated alliance with only a handful of level 60 players, who are 2600+ rated in Tier 2, who solo 5* rank 4 and 5 champions without losing ANY health WHILE the champion is single or double noded, and who are using 4* champions that are rank 3, that alliance is absolutely and unequivocally breaking the rules. No amount of skill can result in that alliance taking ZERO deaths and ZERO damage especially when they are fighting champions that are noded.

If this had just been discovered I would understand, but there are entire YouTube videos of this same group breaking the rules with impunity, with nothing happening to them whatsoever. It is important to note, this is NOT a singular issue. This rule breaking is occurring by more than a single alliance.

The Solution: Kabam, I understand you have privacy rules. But we are your customers and we desperately need a show of leadership and accountability, NOT more closed threads and auto responses telling us to report it again for the 597th time.

As a community we expect you to know your game better than we do, and yet we continue to have to show you things that honestly is so obvious it’s surprising that you even require evidence.

I’m asking a serious question. Don’t you have queries or audits you can conduct? Can’t you run a simple query to review the battle logs of any alliance in tier 2 that is almost entirely comprised of new players?

I’ve invested an ungodly amount of time into this game, and right now my alliance is playing against a team that is absolutely breaking my spirit because apparently they have been doing this for a very long time without any repercussions. Please Kabam, I’m not trying to be adversarial, I’m asking for a solution to a very serious problem.

-Signed The Community


  • AxFrost21AxFrost21 Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2018
    We have been getting your autogenerated reply for such tickets that says 'Intensive investigation' is being conducted, but in reality nothing ever happens. If there is sufficient evidence sent to you of such players/alliances cheating and violating any rules, I don't understand why you cannot take any actions against them. As sincere players who have actually put in a lot of time, effort and money into this game, we deserve to know why they are not being banned and why these sort of actions are being tolerated.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    Yeah soon you’ll be vs alliances that pilot and collude.

    The modding is a problem and I’ve seen cases of that being addressed. I’ve never seen a single case where those alliances who piloted or colluded we’re punished.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    AxFrost21 wrote: »
    Its not about the technicality DNA3000, its more about the problem we are facing.

    On a public forum, you are the words you use, the statements you make, and the credibility you can engender.

    It might appear to be a technicality to you, but it is not a technicality to me. And for every person like me willing to point that out, there are a lot more that will simply silently make the same evaluation that I did. Maybe my feedback will help someone avoid similar mistakes in the future. Probably not, but you can always hope.

    You think your problem is cheating, but that's not your real problem. Your real problem is finding the best possible way to express your concerns in a way that will get the most number of other players on your side and conveying that to the developers in the most constructive way that will influence them to take some beneficial action. That is, if your goal is to provoke change.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Yes, there are rules to privacy. There's also a fair process of investigation. Otherwise you have Linch Mobs going after every Ally they lose to suspecting cheating, and people being banned from any Report sent. While I don't condone cheating in any form, I also agree with keeping actions confidential. The ramifications of putting people on blast exceed the desire to expose them. All we can do is report them and let them do their job. There's a process to investigating and it takes time. Actions taken are usually in proportion to the situation and the effect of the transgression. I don't in any way make excuses for breaking the rules. If you will notice, I've been an advocate against it long before people took notice because of Season Rewards. However, I'm not a supporter of Anarchy and Vigilante Groupings.
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    AxFrost21 wrote: »
    Its not about the technicality DNA3000, its more about the problem we are facing.

    On a public forum, you are the words you use, the statements you make, and the credibility you can engender.

    Well said, though constructive criticism is often more effective when both negative and positive aspects of statements/actions are addressed. Many of the OP's points are valid. A moderator removed a post I made a few weeks ago because I called out the same alliance the OP is talking about, though I kept all but the first and last letters of the alliance's tag hidden with "*" symbols. I sent the moderator a link to a YouTube video that shows one of the OP's points through recorded video (linked boss kills in AW done in seconds with weak champions), to which the moderator told me to submit a ticket to report the alliance for modding/hacking in AW.

    Since submitting my ticket weeks ago, I have seen at least 2 separate players create threads about the alliance referred to by the OP. Even with adherence of forum privacy rules, this alliance's M-O (method of operating) is impossible to misidentify because their method of cheating/hacking/modding is so blatant. I don't understand why this kind of manipulation is ignored, these players/this alliance is disrespecting MCOC's terms of service and therefore Kabam to a great extent. I played Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle before I played MCOC, players who modded/hacked Dokkan Battle's monthly world tournament mode were banned within 24-48 hours. Every. Single. Time.

    Hackers and modders should be permanently banned, especially when a large amount of players have been providing video evidence for months.
  • BornBorn Member Posts: 228 ★★
    I agree OP. It’s out of control, and it’s not just modders and hackers, account sharing is at an all time high. Piloting, modding and hacking have ruined AW completely. But the sad part is, Kabam couldn’t care less. The contest is in no way fair, it’s just a big joke now. However I have come to realise that Kabam will never take it seriously. So now I just take it easy, I’ve stopped spending and just play for fun. You just can’t win when you play fair in this game. And Kabam obviously don’t take pride in their product, if they did they would be hell bent on offering a fair contest to all who play.
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    It is a huge disappointment that kabam 1) aren’t banning this alliance, it is so unequivocally obvious they are cheating. I saw a vid of someone taking down a duped Morningstar 5* rank 4 miniboss with daredevil Netflix 5* rank 2 unduped, without losing ANY HEALTH AT ALL. I’m all for the devil of Hell’s Kitchen but that’s simply not possible at all. And 2) aren’t being more open about it, I don’t get the stance on cheating. Not in this case where it has so much focus on it and we can see that in the past months they’ve been let run rampant in tier 2/3. Why haven’t they been banned? Why are they still allowed to play? Is there an investigation? When did it start? These are questions that need answering.
  • juST4fUNjuST4fUN Member Posts: 172
    Wait there is a whole alliance full of modders and they dont get banned for doing so even after evidence submitted by multiple individuals, damn some one tell me the name of alliance i want to join them.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    juST4fUN wrote: »
    Wait there is a whole alliance full of modders and they dont get banned for doing so even after evidence submitted by multiple individuals, damn some one tell me the name of alliance i want to join them.

    I was about to say “what and get banned too?” But then i remembered how long they’d been “investigated” for.
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