Still having many issues with in-game chat.
Are there any updates on when this will be fixed?
A response would be greatly appreciated.
Are there any updates on when this will be fixed?
A response would be greatly appreciated.
Very frustrating...
I've been having this same problem over the past few days but even when I restart the app, nothing changes. I have missed out on a few potential recruits because of this. So annoying...
On my end I only see the chat of the 1st person I chat with when I logon. The next person I select, I only see the first persons chats. Also when I try to chat someone, it seemingly messages anyone in my contacts. This is affecting my entire Contacts list and I can no longer message players directly. My alliance leader is having the same issue. I have tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling the game with no change.
It's just me or someone else with problems in the game chat. When sending a message in private of a friend, the message is not showing if it was sent, does not show the message when someone sends message to me and does not show the message and is showing other conversations in another chat. Anyone else having trouble with the conversations too?
Private Messages are really bad right now. Sucks cause I'm trying to find people to run dungeons with but no way in communicating with the interested players
I can confirm the update fixed the issue on my end.