Iron Man (Infinity War) Autoblocking while Stunned [Mod edited title for clarity]

I was fighting the new guy today and noticed that he auto blocked me while he was stunned is this working as intended.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
Not really a fan of reading novels just before a fight...
Or you could blindly charge and yell,"THIS IS SPARTAAAAA!"
That's the approach that I decided to take lol
She sure does
Thanks for reporting this. First, I'll be moving this thread to the Bugs and Known issues section, as this is not intentional. I haven't personally run into it myself, so if you guys can give us more information, that would be great!
Could you let me know what Champions you were using, and what difficulty of the Event Quest you noticed this on?
As for the reports of this happening with other Champs like Medusa and MODOK, if you remember, can you let me know where this happened, who you were using, and if possible, any buffs that they may have had on them?
Whilst we’re on the topic of auto block, is it intentional for the opponent (modok in particular) to use specials whilst you’re attacking their block? With any champ that doesn’t have auto block that’s completely safe, but they randomly fire off specials halfway through your combo if they autoblocked an earlier hit. This is the only issue I have with it as an ability, otherwise modok is completely manageable.
Welcome to Kabam.... where autoblock takes priority over a stunned hero.
Does anybody, by chance, happen to have a video of this occurring? We're trying to reproduce it, but have had no luck so far. We're gonna keep trying, but a video could be very helpful!
Thank you! I'll take this to the team right now. If anybody else has video or screenshots, please send those our way!
Wait just a second, the autoblock mechanic was not intended to occur while the defender is stunned? That is a huge difference of what we've been having to deal with in AW.
Currently how it stands, if you trigger autoblock on someone who is stunned, they will break out of the stun to trigger the autoblock.
Happens all the time vs Medusa