Increase Level Cap

I'd like to see the level cap increased from 60 to 80! (Or more, if Kabam is feeling generous!)
In terms of level up rewards, I'd like to see (after you reach level 60) gold and ISO be the main rewards (and maybe an energy increase to 75?). That way it wouldn't break any existing game design/functionality (like adding mastery points would), would help push larger amounts of gold into the game for some of the players who need it, (especially with the more expensive rank ups we now have!) and it would have us actually use the XP Boosts for something other than Item Use these days.
I know it's been more than a year since the level cap was increased. Thoughts?
In terms of level up rewards, I'd like to see (after you reach level 60) gold and ISO be the main rewards (and maybe an energy increase to 75?). That way it wouldn't break any existing game design/functionality (like adding mastery points would), would help push larger amounts of gold into the game for some of the players who need it, (especially with the more expensive rank ups we now have!) and it would have us actually use the XP Boosts for something other than Item Use these days.
I know it's been more than a year since the level cap was increased. Thoughts?
Why is it a dumb idea when they haven't increased the level cap in well over a year? Yeah, it's definitely a grind once you get up that high, but for anyone who has been at level 60 for a long, long time, it'd actually be kinda nice to see XP used for something.
And on top of that, if they were going to add a daily gold dungeon, they would have done that already. I don't think we're going to see that happen any time soon, so rather than continuing to ask for something we won't get, why not try to get something we will?
That's the thing! I totally understanding not wanting to break the masteries part of the game. But if the masteries cap at 60 like they do right now, and the rest are just levels for the sake of levels, it'd be really fun to see how high some of us could get.
I mean, it might be radical, but to take @EnderDraco58's thought a bit further, why does there need to be a level cap at all, if that's what we change? It'd help to actually show the longevity someone has in the game (other than titles).
Hehe, I like that you went and dug up a four month old post to continue the conversation.
But I have to confess that I’m confused? I said that it appeared to be designed to take that amount of time and that was likely one of the reasons they didn’t want to change it. If you’ll see my latest post - I do agree and like the idea of changing it, or talking through the idea. But if it’s meant to take that period of time for design reasons - you should incorporate that into your ideas.
And to realistically answer your question? Sure. Why not? It’s treated that way for AW! As time goes by you’ll grow a roster to the point where the champs you put in AQ and AW aren’t needed for your questing. I’ve been playing for 3+ years now and my AQ champs are just that. I don’t use them anywhere else. That’s true for many. (Maybe the right question to ask Kabam would be is - “Are AQ and AW are designed currently to take close to the full amount of time offered to complete? And if so, why?” Seeking some understanding for a decision they made rather than criticizing what we don’t understand.)
But anyways. Rather off topic for this particular thread. I’m happy to move the discussion back over to the AQ announcement thread rather than dig up old ones!
As to asking Kabam for why that is the case on the full amount of time required, we have asked, over and over and over and over, and they haven't answered. The only answer we get from Miike is that reduced timers "punish" people, and you saw how that took a life of its own.
it wasn't hard to dig this up, as it was the first topic that comes up on your discussions when you click your profile. I just found it a little strange for your opinion to be so positive on changing on aspect of the game that's been designed that way since I can remember, yet on this aspect of AQ timers, your answer was very quick and close minded and essentially "get better and organized or you're not ready." Kabam did these Aq changes to encourage those groups who haven't been running higher maps to do so, and even said as much in their announcement - but I do hope you take my comment over there to heart and not assume what you did about me or my group, or anyone else asking for this change.
but i will say this....
aq maps are designed to take a certain amount of time using a certain amount of people.
it would be designed this way to challenge people and reward peopple for better organisation.
you know working better as a team. the whole thing about an alliance.
if your alliance is not organised well enough you will not be able to complete all maps.
if your alliance is better organised and operates as a good team they will be easier.
it makes sense. if you have a good team itis easy. if you cant do it then your team is not up to the task.
but anyway back to the topic at hand....
energy caps should certainly be raised. no more mastery points, maybe just gold, cats, iso, maybe boots that kinda thing as rewards. heck the rewards dont even matter. people want something to work towards is all
Please make sure that you keep this discussion on-topic. This discussion is about the in-game level cap and not AQ timers. If you would like to talk more about the AQ timers, please search the forum for existing posts on that topic.
Many thanks,