Archangel nerf/bug fix

In the 18.1 patch notes it states that archangel will no longer be able to stun stun immune champs
But it also said the bug allowed his stun to bypass black panther civil wars reflect stun are they making it so when neurotoxin expires black panther will reflect the stun
But it also said the bug allowed his stun to bypass black panther civil wars reflect stun are they making it so when neurotoxin expires black panther will reflect the stun
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Now, since Black Panther's Reflect Stun should only activate if a Stun is activated during contact (you're attacking him, or he's attacking you like in a parry), it should only happen in very minor cases, like if you attack when the stun from Neurotoxin is activating. This is also something that we are looking at for the future, as it might not be something that we want to keep, since it's not technically a Stun that is being activated by the hit.
However currently if you hit them at the same time it will be reflected.
Also admitting it shouldnt happen. As the stun is not caused by contact.
But not saying if they will or wont fix it. If they wanna make sure AA stun behaves properly they need to fix this too. It should not allow reflect stun in any circumsrance.....
If how you're describing the implementation is true, then this would seem to imply that any stun triggered on BPCW will reflect onto his opponent as long as the stun triggers at approximately the same time as contact is made. If that is true, this doesn't just affect AA. It sounds like it would also affect Yellowjacket: if you attack BPCW with YJ and a biosting expires on BPCW while you are attacking him, you could be stunned even though YJ can't stun via contact at all.
How can Kabam be not sure whether this is something they'd want to keep? This seems just as bad of a bug as AA's passive stun.
So what I just read was BPCW’s reflect stun is bugged against AA’s neurotoxin stun. Reason being the stun is not applied by contact, therefore should not proc the reflect stun, but you are going to leave that in game and decide in the future if you want to leave it that way or take it out. There should be no, “minor instances”, it should not happen at all.
Why not wait until you have everything sorted out and fixed instead of nerfing AA only to create a new bug. These so called “fixes” sound like they are hydra. Cut one off, two more grow back. Smh....
Kinda like stunning on a debuff immune/stun immune node?
that should never happen
Very true. Right now that happens with AA but also with YJ.
I think it's more that they don't know if the work involved is something they want to do. It sounds like a difficult fix. The stun has to act like a stun in most cases, but not in all. They need to make it a special stun and then code the reaction from some nodes and champs like it's a normal stun and the reactions from other champs like it's not.
Lol why don't you just admit you're gonna bring infinity thanos again and again in the EQ and don't want him to get stunned? It's simple miike
I fully understand why this may need to happen as we need new content but don't cover it up by calling it a 'bug' meant to be fixed months ago when a mod in Jan confirmed its not a bug.
I have personally taken my 5* AA to 5/65 with the intention of using him for 100% LOL, this change will be a problem in LOL where stuns are extremely limited & this interaction was a big part of the reason for me ranking him up.
They should issue champion specific rank down tickets preferably only 5* RDTs & only to people with 4/55 or 5/65 AAs.