Progress bug.

I've noticed sections of act 4 chapter 3 6 just reappear after competition. I've recently completed the bottom right of the map and now it's incomplete.

Also Civil Worrior been my #1 maxed out champ for months, just a while ago when trying to enter my top champs into a prestige calculator I've notice that he is at sig ability 48 instead of 99. I have supported Kabam through this game and worked hard to reach my level. Plz fix.


  • Okels1981Okels1981 Member Posts: 2
    Plz return my correct position.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hi there, sorry to hear about these issues. For the issues you mentioned, our support team would be the best equipped to help you out. You can reach them from within the game by clicking on the gear-shaped icon in the top-left corner of the home screen and then scrolling down to the button labeled "Support", or by clicking this link.
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