Same for me and my whole alliance. great job kabam. You made a already bad event even more aggravating. Tbh i'm not to upset, it not great rewards for the time investment.
hear hear! lets hope there's a kind gesture to compensate us for this bloop, i had to use a few items to get through it as well which i dont expect back just proper rewards for clear. If it benefited us it might be addressed more quickly but I have faith that itll get sorted out and theyll do whats right.
Same thing. Saw they were available but already at 100%. Luckily didn't waste energy when I went in to check and saw they were indeed already finished.
Went ahead and moved this to the correct section of the forums for easier tracking. Just to double-check, can @Bezzitle or anyone else confirm that it is their Merc Missions that are not resetting? Or is it the Assassin Assignments? Or both?
Went ahead and moved this to the correct section of the forums for easier tracking. Just to double-check, can @Bezzitle or anyone else confirm that it is their Merc Missions that are not resetting? Or is it the Assassin Assignments? Or both?
It is the Assassin Assignments. Don’t know about merc missions since no one can get to them. Could be merc missions as well, but considering you have to do Assassin assignment to unlock merc missions no one knows.
Its cause there are 2 different sets of assasin assignments. One is the adventurers, the other is whatever the name is, i can't remember. But yes @Kabam Zibiit , the assasin assignments are not reset.
Come on Kabam, please rectify the issue 😔
It is the Assassin Assignments. Don’t know about merc missions since no one can get to them. Could be merc missions as well, but considering you have to do Assassin assignment to unlock merc missions no one knows.