Was charged about 800 dollars wrongfully.

I had sent my concerns via email, but I am also posting this through here...
While looking through my bank statements, I noticed that I was unwillingly charged around $799.63 during all of May and June, in which I know I did not spend on this game. My last legit transaction which I willingly paid was in early April, for $5.99. Every other transaction after that, I was wrongfully charged. I would like this problem solved as soon as possible with me getting my money back, as I did not buy anything. Some of these transactions were even charged on me daily. What makes matters worse is as I played the game, nothing that I so called "paid " for popped up as in letting me know the purchases. This is why I took awhile to notice. As you can guess, this is an unsettling and extremely uncomfortable situation, and I will be glad to cooperate, but please, this was a lot of money being taken from me. Money that I did NOT spend for this game but I was charged for regardless by KABAM.
While looking through my bank statements, I noticed that I was unwillingly charged around $799.63 during all of May and June, in which I know I did not spend on this game. My last legit transaction which I willingly paid was in early April, for $5.99. Every other transaction after that, I was wrongfully charged. I would like this problem solved as soon as possible with me getting my money back, as I did not buy anything. Some of these transactions were even charged on me daily. What makes matters worse is as I played the game, nothing that I so called "paid " for popped up as in letting me know the purchases. This is why I took awhile to notice. As you can guess, this is an unsettling and extremely uncomfortable situation, and I will be glad to cooperate, but please, this was a lot of money being taken from me. Money that I did NOT spend for this game but I was charged for regardless by KABAM.
How do I send a ticket?
And on a side, you might want to remove any card information off of your account. Change your passwords. Also, depending on what smart phone you use; contact either Google Play or Apple. They would have the resources to track down who is accessing your account for their own purposes.
Thank you so much. I have already submitted my ticket.