Request Kabam to pin a post on war rating inquiries

AngelicsignAngelicsign Member Posts: 391 ★★
There are a lot of questions with regards to a drastic drop on war rating.

And no one or no post has an official answer on why and what can be done as a member or a leader.

So I would like to request, if we,a member, realize a drop of war rating, what can we do to raise the concern, to where and to who.

Same as leader, what they can do if they receive the in game mail about this issue.

We dropped from tier10 to tier20 in two weeks, we don’t know why and we dunno what to do, kick everybody to retain the rating?


  • Booterz92Booterz92 Member Posts: 9
    That’s the reason I joined this forum our alliance is having a similar issue went from tier 2 to tier 4 kabam won’t tell us who is piloting so how are we supposed to fix it ...this is another massive flaw of kabams 0 communication
  • AngelicsignAngelicsign Member Posts: 391 ★★
    Our problem was when a member realized a dop in rating, but leader overlook the email sent by Kabam, member doesn’t even realize this “email from Kabam” exist, as this is not transparent anywhere, until somebody post the screenshot in this forum and member find out... but till then, we dopped 900 war rating...
  • AngelicsignAngelicsign Member Posts: 391 ★★
    No one agree that we need Kabam to be more transparent on this? I am so surprise...
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey guys, it seems that you're essentially looking to find out the names of any players in your Alliance who we found to be cheating.

    It has always been part of our privacy policy to not discuss any actions taken against someone else's account or disclose details of any players who we've found to be cheating in the Contest. This is a policy that we've always adhered to and we've stated this in multiple threads previously. Regardless of whether or not you agree with this policy, it's not one that is up for discussion or debate on these Forums.
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