Joe fixit will take more damage while under the effect of poison?

@Kabam Wolf Maybe im missing something but as far as i know joe fixit is poison immune and Making him poison to deal high damage what sense is this?

Lol any comment on this thing

Lol any comment on this thing
Maybe he is such **** champ that kabam developers forget that he have immunity also.
They take 200% more damage if they have bleed on them, the bleed does the same damage but hits connecting will be doing 200% more damage.
Don't get fooled by the name Sprite venom haha its just a normal poison and does not works on immune champs
Not sounds like refreshing lemon-lime flavored poison. How could this not work an all champs? There is no resisting.
No, it doesn't work. Magic poison works like other poisons for Immune champs.
Miike, I believe it's called "trolling the player base."
It's no different from putting Spider Gwen on an unblockable sp1 node.
I am very proud of that one. Kabam DK and I decided that we had to make that one happen.
That one does still have an effect. While you can't stop his attacks when he dashes, you can still hurt him. We don't suggest doing it, but it's possible.
Hey Miike, I was wondering, can I have a node for my Colossus to be Bleed Immune?