Hulk Regen Ability

I remember growing up reading the Hulk comics, later the cartoons, then the movies. One of his major abilities is missing in the game, regeneration! I understand you can’t have it all, but regeneration has always been a major facet of his abilities as a Marvel character. GladHulk has a couple regen functions, and that’s cool, but what about the original. The Hulk does not seem like the Hulk without some sort of regen. It’s one of his major abilities second to strength and durability.
Well he hits harder as he loses health when duped so giving him regen would kinda take away the purpose of his sig ability
Because his sig is he gains more damage based on missing health. So regen would prevent his sig from being fully utilized.
Yes based on comics but also completely independent as well as it takes place in an alternate dimension where champions powers are limited by the contest. Hence magneto and Phoenix punch instead of just attacking with their mutant powers.
Multiple versions of Cap America, Thor and other characters. So well you are correct it is based on comics just like the MCU is it doesn't mean they have to follow those comics stories completely just like the MCU doesn't
Might as well considering they'd have to rework him a bit to give regen.
Please stay on topic and keep the discussion friendly. Everyone has a right to their own thoughts and opinions.
All the Best,
Hulk's thing is anger and strongest there is, so that's what he should be in game.
but he isn't the strongest their is not even close to top 10 lol, at least not in this game
Game play-wise as many others have mentioned, his health is tied to the core mechanic for Hulk, who at lower health and with his stun-lock potential and fury he really wrecks opponents (more so with the Quake Synergy with Hawkeye). He's a very good champion already - I think there are a lot of other champions who need some love before Hulk!
However, if a change were to be made to Hulk (or the Hulk's? Abomination? Juggernaut?) that was keeping with character, then instead of a flat regeneration and gaining health, it be more along the lines of reducing the duration of all damage over time effects, perhaps scaling with his signature ability level, representing wounds closing faster?
Great Point, and those are good ideas