Alliance Quest Scoring - Please Read

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 639
Hey everyone!

Thanks to a handful of reports, we’ve recently determined that there is an issue with how wins and losses are determined for the current Alliance Quest Series. This is affecting the way that some Alliance's Prestige changes from day-to-day, and thus has reduced their scores. This issue is caused by the old system following the logic of our upcoming 20.0 Season 5 Alliance Quest update, and is not intentional.

For this most recent AQ ending August 29th at 12:00PM PDT, our team will be doing some calculations to determine if the rewards impacted Summoners get are less than what they should have received.

It’s important to note that this scoring change has not had any negative impact on any alliance that ran 3 Battle Groups within AQ, with at least one person in each Battle Group.

If we are unable to resolve this scoring calculation change for the next AQ before it starts, we will be running the same reward calculation on that. Our goal is to ensure that no one misses out on rewards they should have received. As a result of all of this, the next AQ will also run without map costs.

We will continue to update you all as we have more information, and thank you for your patience.


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