Upcoming Changes to Mystic Dispersion and Dexterity - Discussion Thread



  • nelly22nelly22 Member Posts: 65
    Can a Kabam representative please explain to me why I would receive loyalty for this reason:
    I spend 300 units to gift my teammate X number of greater gifting crystals and
    My teammate spends 300 units to gift me X number of mystic cores?

    Does not make since to me but thanks for the 1 mil loyalty that i will never use. Unbelievable!!!!
  • Task_masterTask_master Member Posts: 9
    I noticed I didn’t get any of the cores back that I got from going through the mystic catalyst quests and the free ones we got from leveling up between level 1-60. Were those converted to Loyalty or Units as you saw fit or are they all just lost for good?
  • UzairUzair Member Posts: 2
    hi there
    i wanted to tell kabam that i only received loyalty for mystic dispersion refund where as i ranked my MD to rank 3 and spent a lot of units on it and did not get refunded on units where as i did not spend any loyalty and was refunded for that why is that?
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    I carried out test in MD r1 to r5., with only 1 point in Dexterity. It appears to me that if any champion generate a buff while Dexterity is running, it cancels these buff. (Magik's limbo, Medusa's auto block) with Dexterity it does not impact on champions that place a buff on opponents. (Ghost Rider Mephisto) . With Dormammu there was degen.. The best test would be to max out MD and Dexterity and test. But not enough time and moving mastery ponis from offense and defense into utility , does cost units. Did not test all mystic champions in AW defense, Mephisto did get 1 kill in with MD r1, a point in Dexterity. No mystic champions in AW defense again. I did put 1 point in MD after reset , but have removed now. I am sure not if I will use MD again, well not soon (test without MD) Mystic champions are dead

    Send RDT , The newer members are luck that they did not use or waste items on a class/champions that are dead nerfed by support

    I sometimes wish there were less champions with new abilities added to game and new changes in environment (extend the mastery trees) make some of the old champions better than they are now instead of using synergy with new champions added to game.

    But most important stabilise game before you add anymore content and test before you release to community

    Its just my opinion , Good luck members/players

    Keep your device safe
  • zeustarzeustar Member Posts: 67
    edited September 2018
    Anyone know. How long is this mastery rank up free for? @Kabam Miike
  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★
    zeustar wrote: »
    Anyone know. How long is this mastery rank up free for? @Kabam Miike

    A week from this past Tuesday I believe.
  • KingLotusKingLotus Member Posts: 94
    edited September 2018
    Hey Kabam, can you fix my problem? I had md2 and i got back 1 point and 40k loyalty, how can i recover my masteri points and unlock md2 with 40k? I sent email but no luck so far to many People with The same problem so please fix IT :)
  • SeaniboySeaniboy Member Posts: 21
    The new Dexterity should be fixed. When you hit someone it gives a new separate critical rating buff with an X second timer. This should not be triggering Buffet or double Burden of Might but it is.
    If you evade an attack against burden of might then you attack you will lose 50% power (25% for the Evade part and 25% for the timed buff).
    The dexterity buff should work like the evading part.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    There's no way an entire Class of Champs depends on MD to be useful.

    Care to explain mystic wars then ? The difference between the old mystic dispersion and the current one are miles apart. Mystic champs have lost both attack and defense abilities. No other class was as reliant on class specific masteries as mutants, besides skillls which still hasn't been addressed since 12.0
  • SkxxxtySkxxxty Member Posts: 86
    I expected a lot more loyalty and then I noticed my 28 mystic cores in inventory. Anyone else only get partial reimbursement
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,302 ★★★★★
    Is it correct the no cost mastery rank up ends on 18/9 at 10am PST?
    Can someone specify how dexterities timer works? When you evade/dodge, you get a precision buff. However, after the next successful hit on the opponent, it then starts a very short duration precision buff. Does my next successful hit after a successful evade still have increased critical rate, or is the actual precision buff merely activated by the first hit, but not effective until the second hit of my combo?

    If it works the way I first proposed, then that's fine. However, If its the latter of the two, then dexterity needs to be reworked (again).
  • Rogers888Rogers888 Member Posts: 18
    Can someone specify how dexterities timer works? When you evade/dodge, you get a precision buff. However, after the next successful hit on the opponent, it then starts a very short duration precision buff. Does my next successful hit after a successful evade still have increased critical rate, or is the actual precision buff merely activated by the first hit, but not effective until the second hit of my combo?

    If it works the way I first proposed, then that's fine. However, If its the latter of the two, then dexterity needs to be reworked (again).

    Does my next successful hit after a successful evade still have increased critical rate,

    sorry to lazy to write
  • Nathan1085Nathan1085 Member Posts: 5
    So since the changes to dexterity it's seems impossible to be blocking and then evade on multi hit specials. Like sentinel or bishop sp1. What happened? Why were masteries changed when you can't actually launch anew game node like dungeons without crashing the entire game.
    Raise a ticket usual response but at least one person said come here to post issue
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    Kpatrix wrote: »
    There's no way an entire Class of Champs depends on MD to be useful.

    Care to explain mystic wars then ? The difference between the old mystic dispersion and the current one are miles apart. Mystic champs have lost both attack and defense abilities. No other class was as reliant on class specific masteries as mutants, besides skillls which still hasn't been addressed since 12.0

    The Mystic Class doesn't depend on MD to be useful. Champs are useful on their own. Mystic Wars came because the Mastery was providing insane Kills. There's a difference between being highly useful through using an enhancement, and actually being useful. The Mystic Class doesn't depend on MD whatsoever to function properly. The idea that they're useless without it is not accurate. They're just not getting the insane Kills without it. The fact that it became Mystic Wars shows an imbalance. What other Mastery performs like that? For a long time, it was left as it was, and people used it to their advantage. Now things have shifted to become more balanced. That's all. Still functions. Just not insanely. Somehow, the overpowered nature of it became functioning, and anything different is considered worthless and broken. Not the case. Just different. The reality is, there isn't a single Champ that is entirely dependent on MD to perform as intended. They were just enhanced by it, by way of Power Gain.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Kpatrix wrote: »
    There's no way an entire Class of Champs depends on MD to be useful.

    Care to explain mystic wars then ? The difference between the old mystic dispersion and the current one are miles apart. Mystic champs have lost both attack and defense abilities. No other class was as reliant on class specific masteries as mutants, besides skillls which still hasn't been addressed since 12.0

    The Mystic Class doesn't depend on MD to be useful. Champs are useful on their own. Mystic Wars came because the Mastery was providing insane Kills. There's a difference between being highly useful through using an enhancement, and actually being useful. The Mystic Class doesn't depend on MD whatsoever to function properly. The idea that they're useless without it is not accurate. They're just not getting the insane Kills without it. The fact that it became Mystic Wars shows an imbalance. What other Mastery performs like that? For a long time, it was left as it was, and people used it to their advantage. Now things have shifted to become more balanced. That's all. Still functions. Just not insanely. Somehow, the overpowered nature of it became functioning, and anything different is considered worthless and broken. Not the case. Just different. The reality is, there isn't a single Champ that is entirely dependent on MD to perform as intended. They were just enhanced by it, by way of Power Gain.

    That is exactly the point. The champs were enhanced by the mastery and therefore given precedence in ranking up as they were the best choices to use in war. Tell me what use is a 4/55 sig 160 juggs without MD functioning as before ? It is a completely different champ. This is a perfect scenario for champ or class specific rank down tickets, and I’m generally against the idea. However in this case we have champions that no longer perform as they did for many years. It is a big change that resulted in refunds for resources used for the mastery, but nothing is being done to keep champs relevant especially in the face of all the new champs that are more difficult defenders without investing in expensive masteries as well as stronger attackers than pre 12.0 champs.

    Either buffs need to be made to champs to make them as potent as they were prior to ranking them up or we deserve an option to get resources back to use on champs that will help us out on defense again. They could make juggs indestructible during his unstoppable and he would be a decent attacker but nowhere near top 50 on anyone’s list. Without MD, a lot of champs that were good defenders are now no better than the bottom tier champs that never get ranked above anything requiring t4c much less t2a.

    There is no way to spin it as non justifiable. Masteries were made and purchased, champs were ranked up based on their performance with the masteries and then a mastery was changed which affected the whole dynamic. Rank down tickets are a must for such a drastic change in performance, at least one per rarity that required at least t4c to upgrade. We deserve better treatment and a chance at a Do over in the face of this shift in usability.

  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Thank you all for your feedback. As we have said multiple times, we have not said that there will not be Rank Down Tickets for certain, but are not going to make a decision to give any out until we have had time to look at the effectiveness of those Champions after Mystic Dispersion has changed.

    We're going to close this thread down now, and do not have more to add to that topic at this time.
This discussion has been closed.