Upcoming Changes to Mystic Dispersion and Dexterity - Discussion Thread



  • AggresssorAggresssor Member Posts: 22
    djr17 wrote: »
    Aggresssor wrote: »
    Kabam, it's not serious. 3/3 maxed dexterity and only 0.7 sec precision buff ? it's not a big change, you cant even do 2-3 hit's with cosmic supremacy synergy, i mean +30% for buff duration ! why not 1 sec or 1.5 sec ? what you can do in 0.7 seconds ? just one hit ?
    For exemple, 3/3 dexterity with " cosmic supremacy synergy " and a 5 Star Hyperion signature level (111) inscreases buff duration for 73% you can increases the precision buff from dexterity from 0.7 sec to 1.4 sec only with those synergy and hyperion's sig ability and only for cosmic champions !

    It's same, nothing special. Before this patch it's was only for one hit and after patch it's same beacase in 0.7 sec you can't even do 2-3 hit's.


    But seriously, the change was for the interaction with MD, the possibilty of add'l hits getting the bonus is just gravy.

    Sorry for my english but they need to increase a little bit the duration or just make a guaranteed crit for first hit
    if you have a 3/3 dexterity
  • VancexClaRiiVancexClaRii Member Posts: 178
    I reset my mastery ( I already unlocked this prior to Aug 31) but why can't I use it again?

    You only say in the forum that we are not able to unlock further rank for this Mastery. You didn't say anything about we MUST NOT RESET our Mastery or else we can't use our previously unlocked MD till Sep 5.

    Can we level them up again on Sep 5, or we are screwed not being able to use or test it until Sep 11 along with the new MD?



    Haven't heard anything, issue still persistent.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,431 ★★★★★

    I think the operative phrase is “with the release of our next update, we will activate the new version of Mystic Dispersion.”

    Dr. Zola
  • DarkSpeedKingDarkSpeedKing Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2018
    Bonze9 wrote: »
    Mods? Where are you? This topic has seen many good points made and questions asked, and all we’ve got from you guys is crickets. Can we please get some of this “transparency” we were promised? We were all told the md/dex correlation was working as intended multiple times over a very long period. Now that we’ve ranked champs to take advantage of this “intended” game mechanism it’s being “fixed” and called a “bug”. Can we please get some kind of response to the fact that it seems like you are trying to create your own loophole here?

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Valkyrie @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit

    Are you really just going to ignore all of our comments?
  • UppercutUppercut Member Posts: 158
    I can’t add points in Mystic Dispersion since update this morning on iOS. Says it requires summoner level 99.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Just please tell us when we can put MD back on.
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Bonze9 wrote: »
    Mods? Where are you? This topic has seen many good points made and questions asked, and all we’ve got from you guys is crickets. Can we please get some of this “transparency” we were promised? We were all told the md/dex correlation was working as intended multiple times over a very long period. Now that we’ve ranked champs to take advantage of this “intended” game mechanism it’s being “fixed” and called a “bug”. Can we please get some kind of response to the fact that it seems like you are trying to create your own loophole here?

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Valkyrie @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit

    Are you really just going to ignore all of our comments?

    That’s because they didn’t say it was a bug

  • deanrazdeanraz Member Posts: 1
    @Kabam Miike is there any reason MD has "summoner level 99" as requirement right now? When are you going to fix this?
  • Col66Col66 Member Posts: 26
    How is this available for everyone to test when you need to be level 99 to apply any points??
  • Bonze9Bonze9 Member Posts: 73
    I’ve been fairly active in this thread, and I would just like to say something. I retract my previous statements! Keep dex how you have it now! Do what ever you want to md and keep your headache of rtds. Only so long as you keep dex just like this! It’s still going to absolutely make my dorm as useful as a throwing a pebble at a giant but I’ll take that hit if you keep dex like this! As soon as the end game players realize why I’m saying this they will agree with me! ;) that’s all!
  • Gambl0rGambl0r Member Posts: 214 ★★
    The update is here, but Mystic Dispersion is still unavailable to rank up, still need lvl 99. Can someone please enlighten us
  • AshersbashersAshersbashers Member Posts: 26
    Hi Mods, as others have been saying, we've been promised that on September 5th we'd have MD back, to test for a week, then decide if we want it or not, with the changes you've made. That's very fair, though I do hate it. But we're still waiting to get the MD back, and it's now September 6th. Does this mean we'll get a day less to test it? That's not very fair. I do know it's going to be a mammoth job checking data to see how much MD each player had, or MD cores bought and used. Please at least give us a revised time frame?
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    @Ad0ra_ Can we please get an update on the MD mastery being locked?
  • AdebaserAdebaser Member Posts: 2
    So, I went to move my mastery back to MD after making some changes for an LOL run and now I cant buy any at all, so I’m stuck at 0 now?
  • VG107VG107 Member Posts: 7
    Can we get ETA when we will be able to return MD back?
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,591 ★★★★★
    Come on Kabam. Get it together. I shouldn't be locked out of adding and removing MD if I already have it at level 5.
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,591 ★★★★★
    Just to be clear @Kabam Lyra (since you closed the other thread), what is stated in the announcement thread is that "On August 31st, we will lock the ability to purchase any more levels of Mystic Dispersion." I already have 5 levels, all I want it to add it back. People aren't complaining that they can't purchase MORE LEVELS. They are complaining because the mastery is completely locked.
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  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★

    That’s not what we were discussing @Kabam Lyra
    - On September 5th, with the release of our next update, we will activate the new version of Mystic Dispersion.
    - You’ll then have 6 days to test out the new Mystic

    Is what we were discussing. You guys said you will activate the new MD for testing over the next 6 days. How can anyone do that if we swap mastery points around for different things? Since it’s still locked a lot of people are not able to test this out.

    This is the issue.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    So you aren't giving us the chance to test out MD before having to unlock it again? What the heck are you doing Kabam?
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  • Noname54Noname54 Member Posts: 58
    so they won't give us just 1 rdt ??? seriously ??? it's a shame ! i am disapointed by this new MD ! and my mystic champs.ranked for this interaction will become useless !!! thank you for have break my beautiful day ! for took my joice ! what's 1 RDT ? just 1 ?
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    edited September 2018
    Test MD at 1 level , I am sure support had the advantage of testing from level 1 to 5 MD. But members can only test at 1 level of MD in 6 days even if you have level MD level 1 to 5. What kind of test can you do if MD is locked on all the mystic champions you have. MD is active but unavailable for testing on different level for different champions.

    I can see why this game as so many bugs. Wow . I want to say more how bad this is for members, but don't want to get banned (BS). I suppose members have to wait for test videos to see how bad or good MD is now at different level. I don't think i will add more than 1 point in MD now

    sorry for members with 5 star rank 4 and 5 mystic champions

    comments please
  • AFOMANAFOMAN Member Posts: 12
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra could you please address players who already have the mastery unlocked for many months, but just wanted to test out the different levels during this week of testing for free? This was said in the original forum announcement. If I can’t see the difference between level 2 and 4 for example (I repeat I have already unlocked all 5 levels), how can I make an informed mastery choice after the 11th?
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★

    This is a live game, and as such, there will always be new content coming, and changes to old Content as well. For instance, we're planning another Beta test for a couple Buffs to some Cosmic Champions coming your way soon.

    You cannot always hide behind "new content coming" or your precious "meta" when customers spend money and you basically put our champions, money and resources in the trash. This is a HUGE NERF, face it, RDTs are due.

    But ok, let's say we already know how Kabam act in these situations, don't you think that, AT LEAST, we deserve some compensation for your unilateral decision? Not a refund, a COMPENSATION for what is a worsening (is this the correct word?) and not an improvement.

    Because basically you are giving us back only what we spent in a different era of the game, so thank you for the now useless loyalty which will allow us to get a single daily 2* unstoppable colossus for the next couple of years... WOW! This is not even a fair refund, it's just too gready.
  • xxgonzoxxxxgonzoxx Member Posts: 84
    @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Miike has there been any discussion on gifter cores being refunded with loyalty instead of units? You can only gift mastery cores using units and the gifting event encourages us to gift for our purchases. Not refunding in they same way as was purchased is purposefully hurting players. Please reconsider.
  • razielraziel Member Posts: 85
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra this is just ridiculous. Until Sep 11th we are basically without MD. Such an awesome test you guys are conducting. Great job!
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