Making the best use of Kamala Khan

winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,255 ★★★★★
Since the old forum is lost, need some help to understand this champ's game play.

It seems like she can stack up to 5 furies by charging heavy. However, without a similar mechanic like Quake, it seems really hard to even get one unless it is in really easy game mode.

Even with parry, it is hard to build fury charging heavy. So, how to do it effectively?

Making the best use of Kamala Khan 22 votes

Why bother, no other use except in arena
SaiyanAlex13369GrafikdevAnonymous346Greifmaster911RCunhaSavio444CliffordcanHammerbro_64Atticus9090Reverend_RuckusButtehrsFhfjghhggggjfhfjgAnthinhokingbMr_EDoesthiscountasanameMoNsTeR_804 18 votes
Need tweaking but here is how to play champ
Duke_SilverXFA_RebootedNamelezThat_player 4 votes


  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Why bother, no other use except in arena
    Yay for mods helping out! :smile:
  • NamelezNamelez Member Posts: 992 ★★★
    Need tweaking but here is how to play champ
    Her heavy builds furies so I just parry heavy sp2 and it does around 10k damage she's a r2 5*
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