Stun timer issues???

Please fix the stun issues. Defenders are launching sps when they are locked in stun, go in for a final combo with obvious time left on the stun timer and get hammered by an sp1/2/’s a horrible trick and truely pathetic attempt at getting people to spend money. Mordo also has an issue when I wait a stun out, I hit him with a heavy just after the timer expires and get hammered with astral evade. Still started happening a few builds ago. Please fix!
Basically, you stun an enemy and the stun timer starts. If they have a bar of power, they seem to be able to activate their special, which immediately shrugs off the stun timer.
I can't replicate this in ROL, but I've had it happen probably 1-2 times per week during normal arena grinds. Maybe it's mastery related?
Thought i was the only one.
1) What Champion were you using?
2) What Champion were you fighting?
3) What game mode were you in?
4) What node were you on? What were the buffs for that Node?
5) Did the Stun come from a parry or from another ability?
6) What device were you using?
7) What version of your OS were you running?
8) Were you on wifi or data at the time?
9) Do you have any video of this occurring?
I know that may seem like a lot of questions, but the more info we can get, the more thoroughly we can investigate.
2) any defender but usually see against Mordo due to waiting on expiration for astral evade
3) have had it in arena, quest, Aw, and AQ
4) all nodes, no nodes...haven’t seen it matter
5) usually parry stun
6) iPhone 7 and 8
7) currently 11.4 os but happened before updating
8) working on video
How do I post a video?
Hard to get the special video unless I record every single fight I do.
You can't attack him with regular attacks when he's stunned.
Uh if you're talking about mordo that's an ability of his if you parry him or stun him then do not attack him because that triggers astral evade and is not a special attack.
Though I have eaten a lot of specials or had them block mine when they we're supposed to be still stunned which is irritating and needs to be looked at
Yup, that’s the point of the post....