Medusa auto blocking on first hit of living strands

I’ve already submitted a ticket on this but I’d like a mod or admin to explain this. Why is she auto blocking the first hit after reaching 3 furies?
I was already clearly in my attack swing and couldn’t do anything to avoid it. I was watching closely to make sure I didn’t attack into living strands. I started my attack and she had 2, gained 3 mid swing and immediately parried. Please, explain. I attached a video to the ticket but I can’t here because reasons. This cost us an attack bonus against the boss in a very close war.
Edit: super jelly of your corvus btw
Thanks! Got suuuper lucky and pulled him from a one crystal try on an fgmc. Awakened him with my gem from infinity dust. He’s my everything.
Or is it different because this was a special attack?