Bendy ★★★★★
Tippy op lets make it happen
Cant she be both?
She needs to have a new sig called unbeatable and she gets every immunity/ cant die mechanic
Basically cant progress where u would basically have to restart the quest
Did u claim before as its still the one they disabled but now reenabled so those already used cant reclaim
I want it no matter lol
When can we get her as a 7
No one was crying
I think if it kills it plays the full animation
Its only if accusing cheating
Sable just really like her and feels fun to use
No ones gaslighting u people are just saying to look at the timing as hawkeye needs to connect the special before u can slow down if no connection made slow down doesnt work as i have had this happen so many times and its hard to get timing since u gotta a wait it doesnt happen in an instant when u press the special
Hes said the word again
Id say he isnt a lion
Hopefully he goes into forum jail for all his name calling when people are being constructive as this dude needs a chill pill
No ones gas lighting u when ur timing is off its that simple
Its not a kabam issue its a u issue get over it already
Come back when u have an actual brain as ur now proving forums rules of jail time
If u was good u wouldnt have made this post of an issue where ur timing is off as u clearly trying to slow time before a connection has been made
He will just call u dense like he already has and a bot
Dude get over it ur wrong with the hawkeye thing people told u and u started calling people out when people told u no one is bots but urself it seems
It be more for where he is
I would say its the opposite no one is arguing with the OP hes arguing with us
Try force closing and reopen
No ones arguing they pointed it out on whats happening then u started the arguing saying ur doing it right when clearly hits the dont land the first hit doesnt speed down
Its the timing u only get the slow motion by holding the screen when u connect
So what content is pay to play where its restricted without spending on something as everything thats gated can be achieved by just playing pay to play would be them gate locking something to a rank that isnt achievable without spending which nothing in this game is sure theres title requirements but u can get all that…
Dont forget about 7s and 6s where people were saying game will die with them and people saying they will quit yet here we are still thriving
Wait till u see 8.4 and 9.1 offer units
This at times gets me since u have to wait on the hit to land first before u can slow down