
  • Maybe the completion / exploration rewards change after the 28th. If so, that raises the question… Can we do it again once it is permanent content for the new rewards?
  • Same here
  • Non placement of a defender ( ie when a player is missing) should not count as dupe and not lose points. Makes sense since there is no dupe. This would appease both sides of the argument.
  • Diversity is certainly a main contributer here. The alliance I am in is struggling with the new points system in how it punishes non-full teams. We are a relaxed alliance in Tier 6 running 2 BGs. We don’t use comms (besides in game chat) and AW is not mandatory so we frequently have less than 20 participants. It did not…
    en AW scoring Comentario por BlueSmirn 20 de mayo
  • yip
  • As said previous it did use to crash frequently before a match. Regularly switch off phone would stop this from occurring. Now the game crashes after every fight with the error mentioned above Device: iPhone 8 ios: 16.1.1
  • The 4 hrs crystals will also give you a lot of health potions and some energy refills
  • Great write up. I am certainly a mid class player with a decent roster (rarely push for GC in BG as the last matches are win 1, lose 1) I did completion yesterday and was going to do a write up also but yours is so similar to mine (besides JD... more a vodka man myself) that it makes sense just to add to yours :-) I also…
  • The vast majority of my matches, (in all seasons) I have picked second. I do not count but I know the feeling of disappointment when having to pick second… and that has rarely happened.
  • @OP you started in G1 so must have made it a lot higher last season and had the same problems…. Yet you managed to progress. The only difference is that you are trying to advance much earlier in the season. So I suggest you just try and be a little patient. Easier matches will come along. I have. 16k account and always…